CNVC Board

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Revision as of 13:00, 11 August 2008 by Elinska (talk | contribs) (Agenda for July 23, 2008 Board Meeting)
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Welcome to the CNVC Board section of NVCwiki. The goal of this area is to enable CNVC Board members and others they might select, to edit official documents. It is our hope that two needs may be met in this way. First, the CNVC Board will be able to collaborate on the creation of official documents by using this wiki interface. Second, anyone interested in better understanding CNVC decisions will be able to watch the documents evolve and add their own comments and suggestions in the Public Comment areas. CNVC Board and CNVC LT sections of this wiki until recently were combined due to extensive overlap, but are now maintained separately.

Note: This section is now distinct from the CNVC LT and CNVC GCC sections.
Tip: Click on "Recent changes" in the left column, or "history" above, to quickly see what's new or modified.

Board Teleconferences

Regularly scheduled meetings

  • First double-digit Wednesday of each month (Note: subject to change)
    • 1900 UT/GMT - 1:00pm Albuquerque NM; 12:00 noon AZ and West Coast; 21.00 (9 pm)Paris and Western Europe
  • NEW US Dial-n Number: +1.712-432-1600;
  • Participant Access Code: 825078#
  • NEW European Dial-in Numbers:
    • Austria: 0820 4000 1552
    • Belgium: 070 35 9974
    • France: 0826 100 256
    • Germany: 01805 00 76 09
    • Ireland: 0818 270 021
    • Italy: 848 390 156
    • Netherlands: 9004 353 535
    • Spain: 902 886025
    • Switzerland: 0848 560 179
    • UK: 0870 35 204 74
  • Free Conference Play Back
    • Playback Number, US: +1.641.715.3416
    • Access Code: 825078#

Observer Request for Board meetings

We ask non-Board members to reserve any comments until the time we have set aside for feedback (up to 15 minutes toward the end of the meeting) from Observers who have honored us with their presence. We may also include other times for feedback, as our need for that arises and when there is sufficient time to listen to and address those comments.

Please press 6 to mute and unmute your line during the call.

Agenda for August 13, 2008 Board Meeting

Wednesday, August 13, starting at 19:00 GMT/UTC (1:00pm Albuquerque), teleconference
1.712-432-1600; code 825078#

Reminder: in accordance with the Board's communications policies, we should strive to be sure observations and needs are clear in decisions and, in context, identify any matters that might warrant special announcements to the NVC community.

Note: it would be helpful if you have your computer available to be able to follow the Communications Coordinator report more easily.

(1:00pm ABQ; 19.15 UTC) Check-in

(1:15) Administrative matters

- Observer policy
- Announcements
- Acceptance of minutes of July 23, 2008 Board meeting
- Acceptance of agenda for today

(1:25) Content

  • (1:25) Confirmation of Gail Taylor's membership on the Board - term through May 2011
  • (1:35) Updates (Margo)
-Financial report
-Status of key action items
-Possible technology solutions that would allow Eduardo Montoga-Arriens to participate in teleconferenced Board meetings
  • (1:55) Confirmation of Stefan's acceptance of election to interim Vice President - term through December 2008. (Stefan)
  • (2:00) Communications Coordinator report. (Report will include some "show & tell" & so access to a computer would be helpful.) (Glenda)

(*2:15) Continuation of preparation for strategic planning to be addressed in November in-person meeting.

-Development of a list of topics (categories) the Board would like to address in the strategic plan and some of the key issues in each category (All)

(2:45) Check out

(3:00) End meeting

Agenda for July 23, 2008 Board Meeting

Wednesday, July 23, starting at 19:00 GMT/UTC (1:00pm Albuquerque), teleconference
1.712-432-1600; code 825078#

(1:00pm ABQ; 19.15 UTC) Check-in

(1:15) Administrative matters

- Observer policy
- Announcements
- Acceptance of minutes of June 11, 2008 Board meeting
- Acceptance of agenda for today
- Welcome and discussion with potential new Board member: Eduardo Montoga-Arriens (All)

(1:35) Content

  • (1:40) Updates (Margo)
- Financial report
- Educational Services Department update
- Update on IT Department
  • (2:00) Election for interim Vice President - term through December 2008. (All)
  • (2:15) Start of preparation for strategic planning for November in-person meeting.
- First strategic topic: picture forming around the question of how to identify NVC groups that are forming around the world - pointing to larger questions? (All)

(2:45) Check out

(3:00) End meeting

Board Agenda & Minutes 06/11/08

Board Agenda & Minutes 05/14/08

Board Agenda & Minutes 04/23/08

March 12, 2008 Board Meeting was canceled

Board Agenda & Minutes 02/21-24/08

Board Agenda & Minutes 01/15/08

Board Agenda & Minutes 12/12/07

Board Agenda & Minutes 11/1-4/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 09/25/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 08/15/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 07/11/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 06/13/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 05/23/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 04/13/07

Board Minutes - 03/14/07

Minutes - Board & LT Conference, February 24, 2007

Agenda - February Board/LT Conference (Albuquerque)

Board Agenda - January 10 Meeting

Board Minutes - December 2006 Meeting

Board Agenda - December 2006 Meeting

  Jim and Jori's Report as Coordinators of the GCC

  John Wiley's Initial Report on "E.D." Role Analysis

Marshall's Statement to the NVC network

Minutes October 21-25 CNVC GCC/Board Conference (N.Carolina)

Note: A major decision at this meeting was redefining LT, Board and GCC.

Older Documents - GCC Before LT Creation