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(Minutes of April 23, 2008 Board Meeting)
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<B>(3.00) End meeting</b>
<B>(3.00) End meeting</b>
=[[Minutes of April 23, 2008 Board Meeting]]=
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes 04/23/08]]=
=March 12, 2008 Board Meeting was canceled=
=March 12, 2008 Board Meeting was canceled=

Revision as of 23:46, 8 August 2008

Welcome to the CNVC Board section of NVCwiki. The goal of this area is to enable CNVC Board members and others they might select, to edit official documents. It is our hope that two needs may be met in this way. First, the CNVC Board will be able to collaborate on the creation of official documents by using this wiki interface. Second, anyone interested in better understanding CNVC decisions will be able to watch the documents evolve and add their own comments and suggestions in the Public Comment areas. CNVC Board and CNVC LT sections of this wiki until recently were combined due to extensive overlap, but are now maintained separately.

Note: This section is now distinct from the CNVC LT and CNVC GCC sections.
Tip: Click on "Recent changes" in the left column, or "history" above, to quickly see what's new or modified.


Board Teleconferences

Regularly scheduled meetings

  • First double-digit Wednesday of each month (Note: subject to change)
    • 1900 UT/GMT - 1:00pm Albuquerque NM; 12:00 noon AZ and West Coast; 21.00 (9 pm)Paris and Western Europe
  • NEW US Dial-n Number: +1.712-432-1600;
  • Participant Access Code: 825078#
  • NEW European Dial-in Numbers:
    • Austria: 0820 4000 1552
    • Belgium: 070 35 9974
    • France: 0826 100 256
    • Germany: 01805 00 76 09
    • Ireland: 0818 270 021
    • Italy: 848 390 156
    • Netherlands: 9004 353 535
    • Spain: 902 886025
    • Switzerland: 0848 560 179
    • UK: 0870 35 204 74
  • Free Conference Play Back
    • Playback Number, US: +1.641.715.3416
    • Access Code: 825078#

Observer Request for Board meetings

We ask non-Board members to reserve any comments until the time we have set aside for feedback (up to 15 minutes toward the end of the meeting) from Observers who have honored us with their presence. We may also include other times for feedback, as our need for that arises and when there is sufficient time to listen to and address those comments.

Please press 6 to mute and unmute your line during the call.

Agenda for July 23, 2008 Board Meeting

Wednesday, July 23, starting at 19:00 GMT/UTC (1:00pm Albuquerque), teleconference
1.712-432-1600; code 825078#

(1:00pm ABQ; 19.15 UTC) Check-in

(1:15) Administrative matters

- Observer policy
- Announcements
- Acceptance of minutes of June 11, 2008 Board meeting
- Acceptance of agenda for today
- Welcome and discussion with potential new Board member: Eduardo Montoga-Arriens (All)

(1:35) Content

  • (1:40) Updates (Margo)
- Financial report
- Educational Services Department update
- Update on IT Department
  • (2:00) Election for interim Vice President - term through December 2008. (All)
  • (2:15) Start of preparation for strategic planning for November in-person meeting.
- First strategic topic: picture forming around the question of how to identify NVC groups that are forming around the world - pointing to larger questions? (All)

(2:45) Check out

(3:00) End meeting

Minutes of Meeting of June 11, 2008

CNVC Board Minutes 06/11/2008 Meeting

In attendance

Board Members:

- Robert Gonzales
- John Wiley
- Valentina Rosenberg
- Margo Pair
- Marshall Rosenberg
- Stefan Wisbauer
- Gail Taylor

Absent: Jori Manske

Facilitator: John Buck


- Martha Lasley (Pennsylvania, USA)
- Mercedes Frace (Florida, USA)
- Glenda Mattinson (Toronto,Canada)
- Matthew (South Africa)

Recorder: Jason Mills
Minutes compacted and prepared by Margo Pair and Elin Skappel.

The meeting was called to order 1:15 PM MDT (19:15 UTC)

Announcements and Administrative matters

  • Observer policy stated
  • Jori Manske is unable to attend today’s meeting. Jori and Jim are attending a wake for Jim’s mother. A minute of silence was observed.
  • Minutes for the May 14, 2008 Board meeting were accepted.
  • The agenda for today was accepted.
  • Added to the agenda: A time for appreciation of John Wiley, who is resigning from the board.

Financial Report (Margo & Valentina)

Profit and Loss report and Balance Sheet provide information through the end of April 2008. Net income has increased. Moving the office from California to New Mexico has contributed to reducing reoccurring expenses.

  • Proposal: Margo requested the Board’s approval to transfer and invest from our cash account an additional $200,000 into 90 Money Market Accounts. Robert, Valentina and Margo will need some time to investigate long term investments. One criteria for investment will be social conscience.

Floor open for questions, none. Proposal accepted.

  • Action Item: Robert, Valentina and Margo will investigate long term investment prospects and apply the $200,000 approved by the board into 90 Money Market Accounts.

Communications Coordinator Position Update (Marshall, Margo & Valentina)

Glenda Madison has been hired as the GCC Coordinator starting the end of the month, during this time Jim, Jori and Glenda are transitioning with each other. The GCC Team recommended Glenda as the new Leadership Team member. Glenda has also accepted the Communications Coordinator position. The Communications Coordinator is a paid position with scheduled reviews to evaluate and identify needs and set priorities as the work progresses. There will be a monthly review and an evaluation within 3 months to see if this fulfills everyone’s needs.

  • Action Item: Glenda will look into co-development in fund-raising opportunities to support the two positions.

Glenda was welcomed by the Board, and the expertise, warmth and clarity that she brings to these positions were celebrated.

  • Request: Robert requested that Valentina share reviews with the Board President through email.

Appreciation of Jim and Jori’s work

The board members came together in appreciation of Jim and Jori. The extensive work they provided in establishing the network of connections in the GCC was praised, as was their contribution to the board and community in general. The assistance, inspiration, warmth and energy they provided to so many, and the dedication they show to both the concept of NVC and the community have made a great impact on where the CNVC is today and a deep gratitude and appreciation was expressed amongst the board members.

New Board Members (Margo)

Margo requested input on candidates to contact as prospective board members. Please submit your candidates to Margo.

Floor opened for comments:

Upon Valentina’s request, Stefan announced that he would happily commit to another year on the board. The board approved and much celebration followed!

Gail recommended Martha for the Board. She suggested that the IIT area coordinators help forward more observers to the meeting.

Margo stated that she would enjoy increasing diversity to balance men, women and different continents, and that it would be great to have more participation around the world. She would like to bring in expertise in marketing or business to assist in expanding and moving the organization forward.

  • Action Item: Stefan will connect with a contact in Geneva who has extensive experience with foundations and invite him to join a future board call.
  • Action Items: Gail volunteered to assist contacting area leaders and other people in the community for recommendations for prospective board members. Gail will also send out observer invitations.

Hiring Update (Margo)

Bookkeeping Department

Our bookkeeper had to leave due to family emergency and health issues. We have been interviewing for a new bookkeeper and just hired Randy Eoff, who started with us at the beginning of this month. As our bookkeeper Randy will be working with me to bring the financial records within GAP. Randy is a CPA.

Office Manager

While we have gone through two rounds of interviews, we have not yet found the person to fill our Office Manager position. Priority has been placed on the bookkeeping department.

Selection committee for Media Coordinator

Marshall and Valentina introduced me to a gentleman that might be interested in being part of the team, but not coordinator. We would like to repeat the request to the board members for recommendations in regards to potential candidates.

Update on Education Services Department (Marshall & Valentina)

Marshall is developing the assessor training in Stuttgart, working with criteria developed by Rita, Lucy Lu and Barbara Larson, along with the questionnaire Robert sent out. There will be 23 candidates attending the assessor training in Stuttgart.

A meeting with the Certification Team is scheduled for next Monday, team structure, board recommendation and communications guidelines will be on the agenda. Marshall and Valentina are looking forward to the meeting and are pleased that everyone will be able to attend.

The Certified Trainers’ annual renewal period is almost completed, we are waiting to hear from 6 to 8 people. Letters have been sent out this week to the ones who have not recertified, asking how they are and why they were not recertifying.

Assessor training for North America has yet to be determined. We have received responses from some people who would like to attend the training in Albuquerque in October, to be held at the Madonna cCenter. We would appreciate additional thoughts and ideas via email.

Floor was opened for comments.

  • Action Item: Robert is interested in offering guidelines to pre-assessment, but stated it would take some time to flesh out.

Gratitude was expressed to Marshall and Valentina for their work.

Update of time line established in the February 2008 Board meeting (Margo)

There was a review and discussion leading to the following accepted adjustments to time line:

  • Moved “Hire Office Manager” and “3 New Board Members Added” to Third Quarter 2008.
  • Moved “Hire Grant Writer” to Fourth Quarter 2008.
  • Moved “2nd Staff Trainer Hired” to 2009.

John Wiley Farewell

John Wiley expressed his appreciation to the “wonderful band of souls” of the board and hoped everyone could feel the love and appreciation from his heart. The board members celebrated John’s contributions to the board, and his way of making them feel welcome, his great support, his integrity – and his sense of humor, and the warmth that John and Anne have extended to them.

John Buck stated that John Wiley’s resignation was not officially accepted until next board meeting, both to keep as VP of record and to help with Wiki. John Wiley objected to this, and stated he really wished to end immediately, but that he would stay and offer help if needed. John Buck suggested Jori as a backup if needed.

Change of dates for board meetings in July and December

Proposed and accepted change of regular schedule board meeting dates for the month of July and December 2008.

  • July 2008 will be on the 23rd, time 1900 GMT, provides the ability for a majority of board members attendance.
  • December 2008 will be on the 17th, time 2000 GMT, appears to work for everyone.

Meeting was completed with check-out


Financial Report

  • Robert, Valentina and Margo will investigate long term investment prospects and apply the $200,000 approved by the board into 90 Money Market Accounts.

Communications Coordinator Position Update

  • Glenda will look into co-development in fund-raising opportunities to support the two positions.

New Board Members

  • Stefan will connect with a contact in Geneva who has extensive experience with foundations and invite him to join a future board call.
  • Gail volunteered to assist contacting area leaders and other people in the community for recommendations for prospective board members.
  • Gail will also send out observer invitations.

Update on Education Services Department

  • Robert is interested in offering guidelines to pre-assessment, but stated it would take some time to flesh out.

Original Agenda for Wednesday, June 11, 2008 Board Meeting

Wednesday, April 23, starting at 19:15 GMT/UTC (1:15pm Albuquerque), teleconference
1.712-432-1600; code 825078#

(1:15pm ABQ; 19.15 UTC) Check-in

(1:30) Administrative matters

- Observer policy
- Announcements
- Acceptance of minutes of May 14, 2008 Board meeting
- Acceptance of agenda for today

(1:35) Content

  • (1:35) Financial report (Valentina & Margo)
  • (1:45) Communications Coordinator Position Update (Marshall, Margo & Valentina)
  • (2:00) New Board members (Margo)
  • (2:15) Hiring Update (Margo)
o Bookkeeping Department
o Hiring: office manager
o Selection committee for Media Coordinator
  • (2:30) Update on Education Services Department (Marshall & Valentina)
  • (2:45) Update of time line established in the February 2008 Board meeting (Margo)
Timeline - 1 year
* Jan - Mar, 2008: Publish new website, hire office manager, Certification restarted? Marshall's Article/WIGOApr
* Apr-Jun, 2008: Hire Grant Writer, Communication Committee Report, 3 New Board Members Added, Hiring Web Content Mngr., 2nd Staff Trainer hired, First expanded LT Forum, Timeline for WIGO Project
* Jul - Sep, 2008: Hire Media Coordinator, Hire Public Relations person, Marshall/Valentina in Europe, First Evolution Committee Meeting, Assessor's Training in Europe, Completion of Working WIGO model
* Oct - Dec, 2008: In person Board Meeting, Website upgrade per Network Input, Start Marshall's Media Initiative (Podcasts, interacting with other communities for NVC education)
Timeline - 5 years
* 2009: Bring on Synergy Coordinator, Options for own building defined, Hire 3rd Staff Trainer
* 2010: Building Lease ends (Mid-year), Start Certifying Organizations, First formal alliances with other Peace-making Organizations
* 2011: Peace Center opens
* 2012: CNVC on each populated continent/ de-centralized certification

(2:45) Check out

(3.00) End meeting

Minutes of Meeting of May 14, 2008

CNVC Board Minutes 05/14/2008 Meeting

In attendance

Board Members: Robert Gonzales John Wiley Valentina Rosenberg Margo Pair Marshall Rosenberg Jori Manske Gail Taylor Absent: Stefan Wisbauer

Facilitator: John Buck

Observers: Susan Livingston (Virginia, USA) Mair Alight (California, USA) Doug Johnson (Arkansas, USA) Faith Landey (Georgia, USA)

Recorder: Jason Mills

Administrative Matters

Announcements: (Margo) CNVC is currently interviewing bookkeeping candidates. Our prior bookkeeper was unable to return to work due to a family emergency.

Action Item: Schedule of board meetings: Proposed to keep board schedule as is, except for July (9 or 23) and December meetings. One member had problem with proposed dates. Margo handling offline.

November meeting in person—Nov. 13-16 in Albuquerque, NM, USA.

Acceptance of Minutes of April 23 Meeting: Minutes adopted with corrections.

Welcome & Discussion w/ potential new board members

Gail Taylor accepted an invitation to possibly become a board member. Per our request for any questions from Gail, she asks: What would other board members like to know about me? What would be the hopes and expectations from a new board member?

The board responded that each board member has differing responsibilities within the organization, so each board member answered individually.

Marshall: What are you doing now in terms of getting the NVC process out? Gail: Integrating NVC as one of six main pillars of “The Integrated Approach,” a method she uses in her coaching business. Because of this work, she was asked to spend a year with Integral Institute and Ken Wilbur. Spoke about NVC at 2004 International Coach Federation conference. Has been certifying coaches in her methods and branching out into online venues. Getting NVC to a more global customer base.

Marshall: He couldn’t be more excited, especially the connection to Ken Wilbur. CNVC needs people with broad awareness of other programs to integrate with NVC and he has always been impressed with her organizational skills. He asks, are you worried about the time commitment?

Gail: She is not worried; she only work four hours a week, and has plenty of time to offer to NVC. She would be willing to offer more than required if there were other little tasks to accomplish.

Marshall: He would like Gail to offer a course so he could get his workload down to four hours per week.

Gail: She would be delighted to offer that.

Valentina: How does she sign up for the time class?

Gail: View www.iwantmorebalance.com

Valentina: She viewed Gail’s web page and enjoyed her attitude of compassionately connecting with others, especially with the coaching. She’s also interested in Gail’s time schedule, and excited to learn how to work 4 hours a week. If she has additional questions, she will send an email to Gail or Margo.

Gail: She has no further questions for Valentina at the moment. She asked for contact information for additional questions. Margo will be happy to provide information.

John W.: He’s excited to hear ease, energy and sparkle that Gail brings. He wonders if Gail is aware of reorganization of CNVC that began a few years ago. Have you seen any documentation of the leadership team?

Gail: She has spoken with Stefan and seen old minutes and details about integration of sociocracy. She has not received many updates in the last month or two.

John W.: Asked in terms of her own vision, any more or less she would like to see CNVC doing?

Gail: She doesn’t know anything, but in terms of project implementation, no ideas. She has heard many stories and interpretations, some challenges with regard to movement and structures and processes for growth, and has concerns about current processes for expansion and depth of connection. She would like more information before expanding on ideas. No further questions, but would really like to have contact information for John W.

Jori: Enjoying getting to know Gail. What does she want to bring to CNVC? Gail: Doesn’t know enough yet about the needs of the board or CNVC, but has a big ego about all of her skills and talent. She is committed to supporting CNVC and bringing NVC consciousness into the world at large.

Jori: Any questions for me?

Gail: She would like to get to know Jori better.

Margo: She is looking for someone with a far richer understanding of NVC than she has—she considers herself a novice—and mixing that with a business that operates with integrity and operates in a way to nurture CNVC’s vision, mission, and aim. She wants strategic planning to help nurture vision and keep integrity with the business. One of her largest areas of concern is setting up an infrastructure for communication in an effective, timely, and joyful way. NVC has flourished, and the hardest problem is identifying who, how, and through what avenues to share information. Having the assistance of another business minded person for other options is important, along with a curiosity and ability to stretch boundaries. Any other questions?

Gail: She is grateful to hear depth of care and integrity. She might want to ask more questions offline.

Robert: He appreciated the ownership for what Gail doesn’t know, and her stating what she really needed was more information. Robert joined not knowing a lot and hearing many things 2nd or 3rd hand. He came in with a lot of questions he’d like to share. She has a number of skills and knowledge around organizational structure. The most important thing for any board member is the ability to consciously hold a vision and have that vision hold the highest level of priority. Also hold that vision in the context of what you can contribute to the organizational structure, and the ability to live that vision in her role as a board member. Does Gail have any response?

Gail: She feels both confident and proud of her skills and also humble. She wants her participation to be a gift to the board and the world, but also a gift to herself. She wants to embody her values in her gift to CNVC.

Robert: He would like to create a time in private to share experiences.

John B.: Asked if the board would like to make a proposal at this time to ask Gail to join the board.


Proposal accepted with the understanding of a three month trial period.

Gail: Accepted the nomination with great gratitude and eagerness, and she is looking forward to getting to know everyone over the next three months.

Action Item: Robert agreed to work with Gail in her orientation to the CNVC board.

Financial Report

(Margo): Draft minutes with financial statements were distributed with the agenda for today’s meeting.

These are through the first quarter only. Still working on April due to family emergency with bookkeeper. Currently interviewing for new bookkeeper.

Total income has increased by 3.13%. Reduction in operating expenses in the following categories; rent, telephone, fund raising, and equipment rental, attributed to a decrease of 38.12% of total expenses compared to the same time last year.

Floor opened for questions: None.

Report on 2008 Certification Program Assessment Training & update on cert. process

(Marshall and Valentina): At this time, they have no new items. They are still working on receiving names for the NVC Certification Assessment Training in Stuttgart, Germany. They are continuing to get responses for training in the US in October, 2008. They don’t have many answers other than they are continuing to work to connect with current assessors’ questions and concerns.

Floor opened for questions: Nature of assessment training, curriculum, etc. Marshal working on training and curriculum. They are open for suggestions and feedback from previous assessors.

No further questions.

No further information from Valentina. If more comes up, she will contact through email or will provide at the next meeting in June. They are very busy with developing training material.

Question from an observer: Any updates or reports for those ready to be announced as certified trainers?

They have enjoyed announcing a few recently certified trainers, but would prefer not to give a concrete date for announcing others in the near future.

No further questions from observers.

Communications Committee Progress Report

(Robert): Robert asked that the proposal provided for review at the last board meeting be discussed and adopted or declined.

The proposal was discussed and amendments proposed: 1. That it be a paid position. 2. That there be a minimum of a 6 and 12 month review. 3. That it is combined with the GCC coordinator position. 4. That CNVC and the GCC are to locate additional funding outside the organization for the position.

An objection was made that facilitation skills be added to the description. All coordinator positions should be skilled in facilitation. Add parenthetically at I. B. 1. “including group facilitation.”

  • The proposal was accepted with amendments as follows:
    • 1. That it be a paid position.
    • 2. That it have a minimum of a 6 and 12 month review.
    • 3. That it be in conjunction with GCC Coordinator duties, with one person to assuming the responsibilities of both roles, with reviews as to effectiveness.
    • 4. That CNVC and the GCC are to locate additional funding outside the organization to fund the position.
    • 5. That “including group facilitation” be added parenthetically to I. B. 1.

I. Communication Coordinator position.

Overall job of coordinating the flow of communication within the organization and between the organization and the community.

  • A. Roles and responsibilities:
    • 1. Leadership Team Member
    • 2. Creates and facilitates a Communication Circle
    • 3. Clarifies, implements and revises a Communication Policy for recommendation to the Board
    • 4. Provides an observer from the Communications Circle to the Board
    • 5. Monitors that the Communication Policy is implemented in each CNVC circle, including that decisions of each meeting are shared
    • 6. Obtains proposed agenda items before each CNVC circle meeting
    • 7. A paid position with a minimum of a 6 and a 12 month review
    • 8. In conjunction with GCC Coordinator duties
  • B. Skills:
    • 1. NVC Certified Trainer with well integrated NVC skills and consciousness (including group facilitation)
    • 2. Organizational experience and background in a variety of information systems
    • 3. Skilled in written communication.

II. Communication Policy recommendations:

  • A. Pre-decision input (from NVC community)
    • 1. Who is included for input is defined by the context of the specific issue/topic being addressed and who is involved or affected by the decision.
    • 2. Needs, strategies, and any tentative proposal will be shared with the community segment involved or affected before final decision is made
  • B. Post decision feedback (to and from NVC Global Network)
    • 1. Whenever there is a decision made by any circle or an individual in any circle in the CNVC structure, someone from the circle making the decision communicates this decision to anyone in the community to whom it is relevant.
    • 2. Observations and needs will be included in feedback.
  • C. Create a mechanism or system to facilitate and implement the communication policy.
    • 1. Determine and communicate whether and how responses to feedback will be addressed
    • 2. Create a system of periodic review
    • 3. Explore the strategy of a creation of the WIGO (What Is Going On) Project, enabling ongoing overview of activities, needs, geographic and topic areas.

Action item follow up

Hiring: Office Manager and Bookkeeper

Postponed due to time constraints of the meeting.

Selection committee for Media Coordinator

Margo requests input from board members on who could work on the committee to define the skills, experience, and duties of the media coordinator, and assist with being on the search committee.

Action Item: Margo is requesting input from Board Members. She will send an email to remind the board for feedback.

Other items

John B. asked for other topics that might need to be covered during this meeting that were not present on the agenda.

Margo asked if the board needed to vote for another vice president or is John W. willing to continue for an additional month?

John W. and the board agreed to extend his term as Vice President for an additional month, and John W. agreed to continue fulfilling the responsibilities of the Vice President position.

No further business.

Closing Round

  • Susan: She is celebrating the work that has been done, and looking forward to next time.
  • Jason: He requested the last names of all the observers.
  • Doug: He would like to email comments to Margo, and also asked who has responsibility for finding funding for comm. coordinator.
  • John B.: He stated that he is pleased with decision on comm. coordinator. He also reminded everyone that it helps to get into the conference a few minutes early.
  • Gail: She was delighted about the process of the board meeting and thanked John for his facilitation. She is grateful and excited about her segue into board culture and thankful for the board’s confidence. She is grateful to support the board and her chance for three month trial period.
  • Robert: He regretted being late to meeting, and was pleased with decision on policy and program. He is hopeful on the new communications policy and pleased that everyone else is onboard.
  • Margo: She has a sense of connectedness and a calming joy of what has been accomplished today. She appreciates the effort and time people have put into to make decisions. She also feels camaraderie and appreciation of the board, and is looking forward to working with Gail.
  • John W.: He is filled with appreciation, especially to the people who take time to join and participate with call, Robert for communications policy and recommendation, and Gail for her willingness to serve on the board and accenting facilitation skills in new position and theme of working in circles.
  • Jori: She is happy with the facilitation and communication in the meeting, and she has a sense of moving forward. She appreciates the note taker, and that the communications coordinator is moving forward and she has hope in the amount of contribution that person will give to CNVC. She is happy that the new board member, Gail, and has already brought things to add to meeting. She also thanks *John W. for hanging on and supporting organization, and also thanks the observers.
  • Marshall: Said he enjoyed having the meeting done and Robert’s proposal.
  • Valentina: She is celebrating with great joy the effort put out today: John’s facilitations, proposal for communications coordinator, and the feeling of moving forward. She celebrates the “bubbliness” of Gail as music to her heart. She is pleased with John W. continuing to support CNVC. She thanked the note taker and observers, and thanked Margo for all her hard work.

Meeting concluded at 3:20pm MDT.

Recorded By: Jason Mills

Original Agenda for Wednesday, May 14, 2008 Board Meeting

Wednesday, April 23, starting at 19:00 GMT/UTC (1:00pm Albuquerque), teleconference
1.712-432-1600; code 825078#

(1:00pm ABQ; 19.00 UTC) Check-in

(1:15 ) Administrative matters

- Observer policy
- Announcements
- Acceptance of minutes of April 23 Board meeting
- Acceptance of agenda for today

(1:20) Content

  • (1:20) Welcome and discussion with potential new Board members
  • (1:50) Financial report (Valentina & Margo)
  • (2:00) Report on 2008 Certification Program Assessment Training & update on certification process (Marshall)
  • (2:15) Communications Committee progress report (Robert)
  • (2:30) Action item follow up (Margo)
o Hiring: office manager, bookkeeper
o Selection committee for Media Coordinator
o Other items

(2:45) Check out

(3.00) End meeting

Board Agenda & Minutes 04/23/08

March 12, 2008 Board Meeting was canceled

Board Agenda & Minutes 02/21-24/08

Board Agenda & Minutes 01/15/08

Board Agenda & Minutes 12/12/07

Board Agenda & Minutes 11/1-4/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 09/25/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 08/15/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 07/11/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 06/13/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 05/23/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 04/13/07

Board Minutes - 03/14/07

Minutes - Board & LT Conference, February 24, 2007

Agenda - February Board/LT Conference (Albuquerque)

Board Agenda - January 10 Meeting

Board Minutes - December 2006 Meeting

Board Agenda - December 2006 Meeting

  Jim and Jori's Report as Coordinators of the GCC

  John Wiley's Initial Report on "E.D." Role Analysis

Marshall's Statement to the NVC network

Minutes October 21-25 CNVC GCC/Board Conference (N.Carolina)

Note: A major decision at this meeting was redefining LT, Board and GCC.

Older Documents - GCC Before LT Creation