CNVC Board

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Revision as of 23:03, 1 December 2007 by Jori (talk | contribs) (Regularly scheduled meetings)
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Welcome to the CNVC Board section of NVCwiki. The goal of this area is to enable CNVC Board members and others they might select, to edit official documents. It is our hope that two needs may be met in this way. First, the CNVC Board will be able to collaborate on the creation of official documents by using this wiki interface. Second, anyone interested in better understanding CNVC decisions will be able to watch the documents evolve and add their own comments and suggestions in the Public Comment areas. CNVC Board and CNVC LT sections of this wiki until recently were combined due to extensive overlap, but are now maintained separately.

Note: This section is now distinct from the CNVC LT and CNVC GCC sections.
Tip: Click on "Recent changes" in the left column, or "history" above, to quickly see what's new or modified.

Board Teleconferences

Regularly scheduled meetings

  • First double-digit Wednesday of each month (Note: subject to change)
    • 1900 UT/GMT - Noon NM & AZ - 11am LA - 8pm Paris
  • NEW US Dial-n Number: +1.605.772-3100
  • Participant Access Code: 825078#
  • NEW European Dial-in Numbers:
    • Austria: 0820 4000 1552
    • Belgium: 070 35 9974
    • France: 0826 100 256
    • Germany: 01805 00 76 09
    • Ireland: 0818 270 021
    • Italy: 848 390 156
    • Netherlands: 9004 353 535
    • Spain: 902 886025
    • Switzerland: 0848 560 179
    • UK: 0870 35 204 74
  • Free Conference Play Back
    • Playback Number, US: +1.641.985.5016
    • Access Code: 825078#

Observer Request for Board meetings

We ask non-Board members to reserve any comments until the time we have set aside for feedback (up to 15 minutes toward the end of the meeting) from Observers who have honored us with their presence. We may also include other times for feedback, as our need for that arises and when there is sufficient time to listen to and address those comments.

Please press 6 to mute and unmute your line during the call.

Proposed Agenda for December 2007 Board Meeting

December 12, starting at 19:00 GMT, teleconference
1.605.772-3100; code 825078#

(19:00 GMT)Check in

(19:10) Administrative matters

  • Announcements (All)
  • Next meeting: January 16, 2008, teleconference
  • Schedule of 2009 in-person Board meetings (Margo)
  • Documents for meeting: Financial report (Margo)
  • Acceptance of Nov 1-4 minutes
  • Acceptance of today's agenda (should any other action items be added or order of items on agenda changed?)


  • (19:20) Margo financial report
  • Review status of action items from Nov 1-4 meeting
    1. (19:30) Action Item: Translation policy and GCC is a priority. Margo to schedule meeting regarding these two items.
    2. (19:34) Action Item: Admin Team is happy to assure an announcement is made to the network ASAP concerning the certification process re-opening soon.
    3. (19:38) Action Item: Robert - to be involved in development for assessors training and ongoing training for certified trainers.
    4. (19:42) Action Item: Ann Wiley will consider taking on recruiting new Board Members; related Action Item: Valentina - to send list of possible board members to Margo.
    5. (19:44) Action Item: Have LT forum every month attended by AT and LT coordinators. (Admin Team)
    6. (19:48)Action Item: Have Expanded LT forum every 3 months attended by AT, LT coordinators, and a 2nd person nominated from each LT team (observers invited)(Admin Team)
    7. (19:52) Action Item: Admin Team to hire up to two in-house trainers on the education services team, with a salary range of up to $75,000 per year per person, plus benefits. Decision to be reviewed in one year.
    8. (19:56) Action Item: Admin Team to establish hiring committee to hire a grant writer paid on percentage of award basis. Review decision in one year.
    9. (20:00) Action Item: Admin Team to hire Administrative Coordinator for support of grassroots fundraising and other administrative tasks in 2008, with a salary range of up to $45,000. Review decision in one year.
    10. (20:04) Action Item: Admin Team to establish hiring committee to hire a Media Coordinator.
    11. (20:08) Action Item: Board establishes an Evolution Committee, Review decision in one year.
    12. (20:12) Action Item: Admin Team (AT) to communicate the communication committee’s guidelines. What do we communicate – information (ask and/or tell), decisions (observations & needs met?), feedback requests How do we communicate it? Who do I communicate it to?
    13. (20:16) Action Item: Valentina - to send package of notes developed with Barbara Larson regarding synergy Ann.
    14. (20:20) Action Item: Margo to provide rough draft of contract for review and further discussion. (note: this item is as appears in the minutes - needs clarification)
  • (20:24) Consider any needed adjustments in priorities, resources, or guidance to the Admin Team.

(20:45) Check out

Proposed Agenda for November 2007 Board Meeting

Thursday, November 1 (Executive session - not open to public)

  • 1:00pm Executive Session, to include selection of facilitator(s) for all sessions.

Friday, November 2 (open session)

  • 9:00am - Check-in (Observer Request):
  • 9:15am - Acceptance of September Board meeting minutes, announcements, plans to visit new office space later in day, agenda additions/changes.
  • 9:25am - Leadership Team reports
   * Financial Report (Admin Team)
   * Report on Office (Admin Team)
   * Report on GCC (GCC team leaders)
   * Education Team report, including certification update (Educational Director)
   * Synergy Team report (Synergy team)
   * Report on IT infrastructure improvements (IT team)
   * Empathy groups (all)
  • 1:00pm - Strategic Plan/Evolution Plan, 2008 Budget Review (Admin team)
  • 4:00pm - Check-out
  • 4:10pm - Leave to visit new office space

Saturday, November 3 (start 9:00am)

  • (Morning) Clarification of LT role and discussion with a view to resume LT meetings (Stefan)
  • (Morning) Communications Committee (Robert)
  • (Afternoon) Board member recruiting and retention discussion with goal to develop and implement (Margo)
  • (Afternoon) Election of board officers (all)
  • (Afternoon) LPL investment papers to sign by Board of Directors (Margo)
  • (Afternoon) Review and possible revision of decisions made during previous meetings

Sunday, November 3 (start 9:00am)

  • (Morning) Generative thinking (i.e., time to let visions and dreams roll)
     * For consideration: Program for NVC Excellence in analogy to Maryland Program for Mediator
       Excellence (John B)
     * Marshal Rosenberg Peace Center
     * What does networking mean? Synergy with other organizations doing social change.
  • (Morning) Review of action items
  • (Morning) Celebrations

Proposed Agenda for Sep 25 Board Meeting (teleconference)

(19:00 GMT)Check in

(19:15) Administrative matters

  • Announcements (All)
  • Next meeting: Nov 1 - 4, Albuquerque. (Logisitics: Margo)
  • Documents for meeting: Financial report (Margo)
  • Acceptance of Aug 15 minutes
  • Acceptance of today's agenda

- (19:25) Election of Board president (role description: see "Documents" section of Aug 15 minutes, below, "Duties of CNVC Directors." Proposed term: through March 2008.
(needs / rationale: efficiency and security, meet legal requirements)

- (19:45) Report on possible names for new Board members. Proposal: Form ad hoc nominating committee to find new board members. (Margo)
(needs / rationale: Diversity, support, availability of replacement Officers)

- (19:50) Approval of new building lease. (Margo)
(needs / rationale: safety, efficiency, city says we must move from current location)

- (19:58) Preparation for face-to-face meeting Nov 1-4. Report on exploration of communication and strategic planning - per action item of last meeting (John) Brainstorm topics for meeting agenda and assign for preparation. (all)
(needs / rationale: information, discussion, clarity, ensuring meeting starts with momentum)

- (20:15) Clarification of LT role and discussion with a view to resuming LT meetings (Stefan)
(needs / rationale: connection and transparency, ensuring key voices can play part in decision-making and strategizing)

- (20:30) Update on certification (Marshall)
(needs / rationale: information on key issue)

- (20:40) Review of previous decisions. See Items on lines 7 and 22-25 already addressed in this meeting. Proposal: Defer items on lines 10 and 17-21 for the face-to-face meeting next month.
(needs / rationale: efficiency, clarity

(20:45) Check out


To Members of the Center for Nonviolent Communication Network: We would like to catch you up on some recent changes being made in our administrative structure.

1. Jori Manske is no longer filling the position of Interim Executive Director. We are deeply grateful for how she has supported our organization. She will now be able to put her efforts in her position of Co-leader of the GCC.

2. Administrative work previously done within the position of Interim Executive Director will presently be coordinated by our new Office Manager, Margo Pair, supported by the Board and Leadership Team.

Board Members and Leadership Team
  John Wiley (Board President),
  Stefan Wisbauer (Board Vice-President & Secretary),
  Katherine Singer (Treasurer emeritis),
  Marshall Rosenberg (Board Member & Leadership Team Functional Leader),
  Valentina Rosenberg (Board Member & Leadership team Functional Leader),
  Margo Pair (Board Member & Leadership Team Functional Leader),
  Robert Gonzales (Board Member),
  Jori Manske (Board Member & Leadership Team - GCC),
  Jim Manske (Leadership Team - GCC),
  Anne Wiley (Leadership Team - Synergy),
  William Poehner (Leadership Team - IT),
  Danielle Beenders (Leadership Team - Office Representative)

Board Minutes – 09/25/2007 Meeting

(Teleconference) August 15,2007 10:00am PST

In Attendance:

  • Board Members: John Wiley (President), Stefan Wisbauer (Vice President),Valentina Rosenberg (Treasurer), Margo Pair (Interim Secretary), Marshall Rosenberg, Robert Gonzales, Jori Manske
  • Observers: John Buck (Meeting Facilitator), Jim Manske (GCC), Gail Taylor, Abbey Wells (note taker)


  • Group check-in
  • Consent by Board to last meeting minutes: August 15, 2007
  • Next Board meeting: November 1st – 4th, 2007 in Albuquerque
  • Agenda amendments:
  • Robert requested additional information concerning email notice referencing to possible lawsuit.

Consent by Board to Agenda with amendments.


Margo on behalf of CNVC staff extended a warm invitation to Board members to visit the new CNVC office. Our new commercial location to be available November 1, 2007, the office will be in the process of moving and setting up operations the first week of November.


Board President Term

  • John Wiley’s term as President expired April 2007. There is a need to find an interim President.

Decision: John Wiley is reinstated as acting President until the November 2007 board meeting.

Needs: Fulfill legal requirements, ease and efficiency

Board recruitment, new member search Needs: Diversity, support, availability of replacement Officers Various board members submitted names of potential candidates and reviewed names recommendations made within the past year.

Action Items:

  • Board members are encouraged to continue submitting names of potential candidates.
  • Margo requested assistance in developing an information package to provided potential board candidates with the goals and objectives of the organization, and relevant information for serving as a CNVC Board member.
  • Margo request assistance identifying particular skills and experience we would like candidates to bring to the organization.
  • Discussion:

Valentina wrote an email informing the board of a lawsuit initiated by Pierre. She is currently putting together a file of correspondence between Pierre and CNVC, which will be made available to the Board members.

Request:Robert expressed interest in further information in the matter.

Action Items:

  • Valentina asked Robert to provide a list of questions specifically addressing his concerns. This will help Valentina organize the information to be assist in bringing clarity and understanding around the issue.
  • Valentina will provide the information

Needs: Clarity, understanding, transparency

In preparation for the face-to-face November board meeting, the following was discussed and decided:

Action Items:

  • Ad Hoc Communication Committee was formed to identify and define the role of an Internal Communications Coordinator. Robert, John W Jori and Margo will participate on the committee.
  • Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee was formed. John Buck agreed to develop a draft to Jori and Valentina who will work with him on the committee.

Suggested topic for upcoming meeting:

  • Clarify the role of the Leadership Team and how to create greater connection.
  • How are we meeting our Vision, Mission and Aim?
  • Media

Meeting will be open to Leadership Team and other interested parties, unless determined otherwise, by the Board. Margo will coordinate staff participation. Discussion:
John W. requested for Marshall to send out an updated report on Certification. Valentina reported, she, Marshall, Rita, Dee and Margo will be having a conference call within the next week. After clarification on a number of issues, an updated report will follow.

Valentina expressed a commitment for having the information translated into German and French. There was an expressed interest to also have it available in Spanish.

Action Item:
Valentina will be working with Jori in identifying reliable resources available in fulfilling this commitment.


  • Margo: Please with amount of information shared and decisions made, request agenda topic – How to keep Board members more fully engaged.
  • Jori: Happy about meeting, glad to hear that Administration team is working well together.
  • Valentina: “Warmth in my heart, gratitude for the caring and compassion about lawsuit and support of Board given both her and Marshall. Delighted with flow of meeting. Met need for connection, felt enriched about connection with John While.
  • Marshall: Pleased with meeting. “Look into next meeting - Who is not being involved when they want to be involved with all that is going on.”
  • John Buck: Appreciated the team work that went into the election process.
  • John Wiley: Resonated with all. Feels a great deal of appreciation and warmth for everyone involved in the call and for the organization. John appreciated the silence and would like to create more time on agenda for it.
  • Robert: Appreciated John’s facilitation, it contributes to the effectiveness, care and intention for the NVC consciousness in the meeting as an organization. Looking forward to face to face meeting.
  • Stefan: satisfied with meeting enjoyed the spirit of openness and clarity.
  • Gail: Felt tenderness for the Board and the CNVC commitment to the consciousness.
  • Jim: Appreciated what he got today and has a deep hunger for even deeper connection.
  • Abbey: Grateful for the opportunity to contribute and looking forward to many more opportunities to do so.

Board Agenda & Minutes - 08/15/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 07/11/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 06/13/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 05/23/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 04/13/07

Board Minutes - 03/14/07

Minutes - Board & LT Conference, February 24, 2007

Agenda - February Board/LT Conference (Albuquerque)

Board Agenda - January 10 Meeting

Board Minutes - December 2006 Meeting

Board Agenda - December 2006 Meeting

  Jim and Jori's Report as Coordinators of the GCC

  John Wiley's Initial Report on "E.D." Role Analysis

Marshall's Statement to the NVC network

Minutes October 21-25 CNVC GCC/Board Conference (N.Carolina)

Note: A major decision at this meeting was redefining LT, Board and GCC.

Older Documents - GCC Before LT Creation