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<b>UPDATE March 10th, 2009: Minutes from the Board of Directors' meetings are now available on the cnvc.org website! We will keep the minutes below on the nvcwiki for now, but <u>ALL NEW MINUTES WILL BE POSTED TO THE CNVC WEBSITE ONLY. </u> </b>
You can find the minutes by going to http://cnvc.org and choosing the COMMUNITY tab and GOVERNANCE, and BOARD, and then there is a link on the left hand bar with CNVC Board Minutes. 
OR by clicking this link: http://cnvc.org/en/about-us/governance/board-directors/cnvc-board-minutes/cnvc-board-meeting-agreements
We have removed the call-in information that used to be below, to avoid confusion and misleading info if/when these numbers change. You will find call-in information on the http://CNVC.org website - on this following link: http://cnvc.org/en/community/governance/board-directors/teleconference-dial-information/teleconference-dial-information  (you can also find the dial-in information by going to http://cnvc.org and choosing the COMMUNITY tab and GOVERNANCE, and BOARD, and find the link on the left hand bar, right under the CNVC Board Minutes.
. . . . . . . .
Welcome to the CNVC Board section of NVCwiki. The goal of this area is to enable CNVC Board members and others they might select, to edit official documents. It is our hope that two needs may be met in this way. First, the CNVC Board will be able to collaborate on the creation of official documents by using this wiki interface. Second, anyone interested in better understanding CNVC decisions will be able to watch the documents evolve and add their own comments and suggestions in the Public Comment areas. CNVC Board and [[CNVC LT]] sections of this wiki until recently were combined due to extensive overlap, but are now maintained separately.
Welcome to the CNVC Board section of NVCwiki. The goal of this area is to enable CNVC Board members and others they might select, to edit official documents. It is our hope that two needs may be met in this way. First, the CNVC Board will be able to collaborate on the creation of official documents by using this wiki interface. Second, anyone interested in better understanding CNVC decisions will be able to watch the documents evolve and add their own comments and suggestions in the Public Comment areas. CNVC Board and [[CNVC LT]] sections of this wiki until recently were combined due to extensive overlap, but are now maintained separately.
:'''Note:''' This section is now distinct from the '''[[CNVC LT]]''' and '''[[CNVC GCC]]''' sections.
:'''Note:''' This section is now distinct from the '''[[CNVC LT]]''' and '''[[CNVC GCC]]''' sections.
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=Board Teleconferences=
=Board Teleconferences=
====Regularly scheduled meetings====
<b>UPDATE March 10th, 2009: Minutes from the Board of Directors' meetings are now available on the cnvc.org website! We will keep the minutes below on the nvcwiki for now, but <u>ALL NEW MINUTES WILL BE POSTED TO THE CNVC WEBSITE ONLY. </u> </b>
*First double-digit Wednesday of each month ('''<U>Note: subject to change</u>''')
**'''1900 UT/GMT''' - Noon  LA & AZ - 1pm Denver - 9pm Paris - 4am Seoul (Thursday)
You can find the minutes by going to http://cnvc.org and choosing the COMMUNITY tab and GOVERNANCE, and BOARD, and then there is a link on the left hand bar with CNVC Board Minutes. 
*'''NEW''' US Dial-n Number: +1.605.772-3100
OR by clicking this link: http://cnvc.org/en/about-us/governance/board-directors/cnvc-board-minutes/cnvc-board-meeting-agreements
*Participant Access Code: 825078#
*'''NEW European''' Dial-in Numbers:
We have removed the call-in information that used to be below, to avoid confusion and misleading info if/when these numbers change. You will find call-in information on the http://CNVC.org website - on this following link:   (you can also find the dial-in information by going to http://cnvc.org and choosing the COMMUNITY tab and GOVERNANCE, and BOARD, and find the link on the left hand bar, right under the CNVC Board Minutes.
**Austria: 0820 4000 1552
**Belgium: 070 35 9974
**France: 0826 100 256
**Germany: 01805 00 76 09
**Ireland: 0818 270 021
**Italy: 848 390 156
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes 01/14/09]]=
**Netherlands: 9004 353 535
**Spain: 902 886025
=[[Minutes 11/16/08 - In Person Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA]]=
**Switzerland: 0848 560 179
**UK: 0870 35 204 74
=[[Minutes 11/15/08 - Board Meeting with Regional NVC leaders - Part 2]]=
*Free Conference Play Back
**Playback Number, US: +1.641.985.5016
=[[Minutes 11/15/08 - In Person Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA]]=
**Access Code: 825078#
=[[Minutes 11/14/08 - Board Meeting with Regional NVC leaders - Part 1]]=
=[[Minutes 11/14/08 - In Person Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA]]=
=[[11/13/08 - Strategic Plan Foundation]]=
=[[Minutes 11/13/08 - In Person Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA]]=
====Observer Request for Board meetings====
=[[Agenda for Meeting 11/13 - 11/16 2008]]=
We ask non-Board members to reserve any comments until the time we have set aside for feedback (up to 15 minutes toward the end of the meeting) from Observers who have honored us with their presence.  We may also include other times for feedback, as our need for that arises and when there is sufficient time to listen to and address those comments. 
:'''Please press 6 to mute and unmute''' your line during the call.
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes 11/03/08]] (Moved from 10/14/08)=
<B>To Members of the Center for Nonviolent Communication Network:</b>
We would like to catch you up on some recent changes being made in our administrative structure.
1.    Jori Manske is no longer filling the position of Interim Executive Director. We are deeply grateful for how she has supported our organization.  She will now be able to put her efforts in her position of Co-leader of the GCC.<br>
2.  Administrative work previously done within the position of Interim Executive Director will presently be coordinated by our new Office Manager, Margo Pair, supported by the Board and Leadership Team.
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes 09/10/08]]=
<B>Board Members and Leadership Team</b><br>
&nbsp; John Wiley (Board President), <br>
&nbsp; Stefan Wisbauer (Board Vice-President & Secretary), <br>
&nbsp; Katherine Singer (Treasurer emeritis), <br>
&nbsp; Marshall Rosenberg (Board Member & Leadership Team Functional Leader), <br>
&nbsp; Valentina Rosenberg (Board Member & Leadership team Functional Leader), <br>
&nbsp; Robert Gonzales (Board Member), Jori Manske (Board Member & Leadership Team - GCC), <br>
&nbsp; Jim Manske (Leadership Team - GCC), <br>
&nbsp; Anne Wiley (Leadership Team - Synergy), <br>
&nbsp; William Poehner (Leadership Team - IT), <br>
&nbsp; Danielle Beenders (Leadership Team - Office Representative)
=Minutes - 6/13/07 Board Meeting=
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes 08/13/2008]]=
June 13, 2007 9:30am PST
In Attendance: 
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes 07/23/08]]=
:Board Members: John Wiley (President), Stefan Wisbauer (Vice President/Secretary), Jori Manske, Robert Gonzales, Marshall Rosenberg and Valentina Rosenberg (Treasurer).
:Observers: Jim Manske (LT), Margo Pair (LT/Office Administrator), Danielle Beenders (LT), William Poehner (LT), John Buck (co-facilitator), Gregg Kendrick, Rita Herzog, Dee Soule (note-taker).
*Consent by Board to record the teleconference.
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes 06/11/08]]=
*Group check-in.
*Consent by Board to scheduled agenda.
:Next Board meeting will take place Wednesday July 11, 2007 at 7:00am (PST).
==Consent Agenda==
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes 05/14/08]]=
*Decision: Future Board meetings will have a non-B/LT, non-office staff volunteer who will serve as a non-participating recording secretary (taking notes and composing the Board meeting minutes).  This person and term is to be chosen by Margo and/or Administration team.
:Needs: Accuracy, punctuality and connection for B/LT and network.
*Decision: Valentina is elected Treasurer for a one-year term, extending her interim election at the May 8, 2007 special meeting.
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes 04/23/08]]=
:Needs: Effectiveness, continuity, clarity and ease for staff
==Regular Agenda==
=March 12, 2008 Board Meeting was canceled=
Discussion (questions/comments) of LT and Board functions and roles from initial committee meeting.
:Needs: Clarity, updating documentation, defining roles of Board Officers and LT members.
*A report regarding organizational review is taking place by the special ad hoc Board committee which will be distributed to the members of each team for feedback and updating.
*Request for all LT members to attend future Board meetings for clarity, connection and understanding (once clarity is reached about their roles in the next Board Meeting).
*There was a suggestion for the LT to meet more than once per month in informal meetings where information and updates are shared within the group.  These informal meetings would not be used for decision/policy-making, and do not necessarily need to include all members of the LT.
*Request for an outline or clear list of responsibilities of the LT, and suggestion that the LT meet at least once per week. 
Discussion of Margo’s request for strategic guidance, current direction and near-term issues: “What does the Board want the Administration team to accomplish in the next 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, etc.?”
:Needs: Clarity on mission, vision, aims.
*Financial targets, initiatives, guidelines, etc.
*A plan for the physical structure of the CNVC office space
*An updated set of priorities, goals, resources, etc.
:Example: Media, GCC, Resource efforts, etc.
*Definition of roles and a plan for decision-making.
:Example: certification.
*To have written ideas, dreams and hopes about where we want to take the organization before the next face-to-face meeting in October. 
*To ensure connection with the LT and Board; and to see that the office staff is taken care of.
*Strategic planning: Create clear procedures for communication of internal governance of CNVC, with the intention to be transparent about decisions to the entire network.
*Margo hopes the Board will:
:* Define the roles of individual positions within the Board.
:* Find out what we need in order to get the LT operating again, and to decide what they are assigned to do.
:* Agree on guidelines for how decisions are made.
::Example: what activities will CNVC support, with what resources?
:* Gain a mutual understanding about what methods will be used to keep each other informed and connected.
*What guidelines would the Board like for the Administration team to work by? 
*What are some suggestions for the administration team about how to address our concerns in the next few months?
*Clearly define the role of the administration team and its members.
*Establish a system of communication for decision-making to include:
# Observations.
# The needs met by the decision.
# An invitation for feedback about the decision (from those directly involved or affected by that decision).
*Establish a system of communicating where decisions are made transparent to the network.
*Define who the Board will typically be in communication with in order to meet a need for transparency.
*Keep the Board informed about the Admin. Team’s activities, and to get clarity with the Board about what the Board’s expectations are of them.
*Ensure good connections with the LT and Board.
*The administration team will provide updates for the Board about decisions. 
*The ongoing committee with John Buck will define roles, which will lead to creating a foundation for decision-making.
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes 02/21-24/08]]=
Jori is elected Board Vice President OR Secretary for a term of one year, effective immediately.
:Needs: effectiveness; a strategy for how we can get away from persons on the Board taking on multiple responsibilities (Stefan is currently the Vice President and Secretary).
:Consent was NOT reached, therefore an election for the Vice President/Secretary roles will be held in the next Board meeting, in the form of sociocratic elections.
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes 01/15/08]]=
*Robert Gonzales: hopeful we’re moving in a direction that will support us in the long run.
*John Wiley: hopeful and energized, a little disappointed consent was not reached about the V.P./Secretary roles, but appreciates the honesty he heard in the conversation.
*Jori: disappointed the group did not find a solution for the Secretary/V.P. roles, also feels excited to hear about what’s going on in Europe; excited questions are being discussed and resources are being pooled together for clarity and strategies for topics that have been on hold.
*Marshall: confused about the decision-making and thought there would be some discussion about the objections to the proposal regarding the roles of Secretary/V.P.  He had hoped to be able to discuss alternate solutions. John Wiley followup: didn’t see that there was sufficient time for a longer discussion in this meeting; had hoped that agreement on the proposal for V.P. or Secretary would serve as a temporary solution, but looks forward to seeing it on the agenda for the next meeting.  He also invited anyone who was interested to participate in email discussions about it.
*John Buck suggested that the process may have been more efficient and effective if the facilitator (John Wiley) collected nominations before making the proposals; enjoyed the energy in the meeting; wants to encourage everyone to show up early for scheduled meetings so that it can start on time.
*Valentina: appreciates John Buck’s clarification; sees support is needed, feels a strong connection with members of the Board; appreciated the integrity, honesty and aliveness with everyone who participated; feels inspired being a part of the group, and feels hopeful about everyone’s intentions.
*Stefan: confident we’re heading in the right direction, once roles are defined; wants to encourage “scary honesty” conversations between members of the Board.
*Gregg: grateful for the openness he observed; concerned about differing opinions on how the organization functions and defining roles; curious to know how long the process will take.
*Rita was not present for checkout.
*Jim: complete.
*Danielle: grateful, sad no consent was met about officer’s positions.
*William: worried about not finding a solution for what he sees as vital roles in the Board.  He saw a difference between taking notes and actually tracking decisions, and he’s happy it will be addressed in the next scheduled meeting.
*Margo: appreciates the stronger sense of “we” that is developing.  Her request is for a plan around Board members elections/nominations as an action item in next meeting.
=Proposed Board Agenda - June 13, 2007=
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes 12/12/07]]=
'''1630 GMT, 12:30pm US ET, 9:30am AZ/CA, 10:30 NM, 6:30am Hawaii, 5:30pm London'''
*9:30am PT - Check-in (15 min.)
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes 11/1-4/07]]=
*9:45 Requests for agenda changes, Announcements, Next Meeting (5 min).
==Consent Agenda==
*9:50 (10 min., John Wiley)<br>
*Proposal: Board meetings will have a non-B/LT recording secretary, with person and term chosen by Margo and/or Administration team.
:Needs: Accuracy, punctuality and connection for B/LT and network.
*Proposal: Valentina is elected Treasurer for a one-year term, extending her interim election at the 5/8/07 special meeting.
:Needs: Effectiveness, continuity, and clarity.
==Regular Agenda==
*10:00 Discussion of LT and Board functions and roles from initial committee meeting (John Wiley, 10 min.)
:Needs: Clarity, updating documentation, defining roles of Board Officers and LT members.
*10:10 Initial discussion of Margo's request for strategic guidance, current direction and near-term issues (John Wiley, 50 min.), consider committee formation.
:Needs: Clarity on mission, vision, aims.
*11:00 Proposal (John Wiley, 15 min.): Jori is elected Board Vice-President for a term of one year, effective immediately.
:Needs: Tracking Board Decisions, performing all other VP roles, double-linking with LT.
*11:15 Action Items from this meeting (John Wiley, 5 min.).
:Needs: Effectiveness, Clarity, follow-through on Decisions.
*11:20 Check-out (10 min.)
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes - 05/23/07]]=
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes - 04/13/07]]=
=Board Minutes 03/14/2007=
'''Board meeting March 14, 2007'''<br>
Attending: Jori Manske, Marshall & Valentina Rosenberg and Robert Gonzales.<br>
Absent: John Wiley, Katherine Singer and Stephen Wisbauer.<br>
Observers: Jim Manske, William Poehner, Danielle Beenders, Danielle Soule (all 4; California, USA), Jamie Conglose (Colorado, USA) and Meta Hough (Oregon, US).<br>
'''Next board meeting:'''<br>
April 11, 2007.<br>
The LT will meet again:  March 30, 2007<br>
'''Report by Jim Manske:'''<br>
'''Timeline of Move:'''<br>
*The current target date for opening an office in Albuquerque is Monday, May 7.
'''Concerns of Staff'''<br>
*Time frame of move
**Some staff members see this as a workable time frame. Others are less optimistic. We need to remain flexible as events unfold and continuously update feasibility.
**Employees are encouraged to look for a job and take care of their needs if they are not moving with the office. We would enjoy them being with us as long as it works for them.
**Some staff members are leaning toward relocating; some are leaning toward staying in LA. Those that are staying are considering their needs. They expect it to take 1-4 months to obtain comparable employment and would like CNVC's financial support during their transition. How much money does the board anticipate it could allocate for severance, including benefits. (Jim recommends that each staff member consider their specific needs and offer a proposal to the B/LT.)
*Relocation reimbursements
**Some staff members are leaning toward relocating. They would like CNVC's support in covering all reasonable moving expenses. What allowance does the Board anticipate? (Jim recommends that each staff member consider their specific needs and offer a proposal to the B/LT.)
**IRS allows reimbursement of some moving costs.
*Salary in NM
**Staff members considering the move want assurance that their pay rate will remain the same, which will contribute to a higher standard of living. Is the Board willing to commit to this request?
**LT response:  Employees that move will keep the same pay (although no raises will be considered until their pay rate is comparable NM rates). New employees will be paid NM rates.
*Virtual Office Options
**Some staff members would like to have the possibility of continuing their contributions to CNVC through "virtual strategies," that is by working from home and logging on the CNVC network server. Does the LT see this as possible and/or desirable?
**LT response:  Some jobs have already been done virtually and they can be considered for this. Financial functions and material sales will be in the office with some of the administrative. (need for community)
*Temporary HQ? Move twice? Suitability of location?
**The Via Seville property in Albuquerque is a temporary location. Although local zoning laws allow a "low-key" operation focusing on telephone and mailing services, the growth of CNVC will require a different office set-up sooner or later. Some staff recommend "slowing down," and locating the permanent location before investing in the move. Concern about delivery trucks and parking in a residential area was also expressed. Does the LT or Board have feedback on this consideration?
**We intend to get feedback from the network and consultants<br>
*Although the network has been notified through email and the wiki, we have received very little feedback (About a dozen emails). I have also spoken with 2 professional consultants who donated their time to CNVC. Gratitude to Sharon Colby and Jamie Conglose for the support!
*Needs unmet: inclusion, ease and accessibility, international focus, clarity of organizational structure and purpose of the move
*Needs met: ease, protection of financial resources, NM NVC community excited and welcoming, likely to contribute to clarity and focus, efficient utilization of energy and time, connection, inclusion, contribute to long term sustainability of CNVC's mission
'''Costs of Move'''<br>
'''Direct Financial Costs'''<br>
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes - 09/25/07]]=
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes - 08/15/07]]=
*Moving Expenses
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes - 07/11/07]]=
*Payroll/Overtime/Extra Help
*Contract Penalties
**I will continue to negotiate this contact with upper management. (added by William)
*Local Telephone Provider
**I may have found a way to severely reduce this cost.(added by William)
*Indirect Costs
*Loss of business due to "down-time," eg bookstore packing inventory and set up.
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes - 06/13/07]]=
*Cost to Efficiency due to additional work of moving and time/energy of hiring and new employee training
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes - 05/23/07]]=
Decision: Robert Gonzales is welcomed as a board member for 2 years.
=[[Board Agenda & Minutes - 04/13/07]]=
'''Check out:'''<br>
=[[Board Minutes - 03/14/07]]=
'''Jamie:''' excited about the commitment to move forward. The move is a very wise decision. Recommend having new staff trained, temporary housing [in LA] would be a good idea so all can get trained.<br>
'''Danielle:''' grateful for the clarity.<br>
'''Jim:''' grateful for the participation on the comments on the report it met needs for clarity and contribution. The next steps are scary, also exciting.<br>
'''William:''' enjoy the clarity, look forward to more input.<br>
'''Robert:''' glad to be here. Regret not being here earlier (due to time change). My request: how can I update myself on all the board stuff?<br>
'''Jori:''' feel reassurance that we all are looking at it carefully. Acceptance that we do not know it all. I feel warm with appreciation for all that participated.<br>
'''Marshall:''' I like how we are moving<br>
'''Valentina:''' feel moved with the honesty that was expressed. I heard the stimulation it is affecting us all. Connecting us to our heart. Feel relief, closeness and oneness with you all. Very connected.<br>
=Minutes - [[Board & LT Conference, February 24, 2007]]=
=Minutes - [[Board & LT Conference, February 24, 2007]]=

Latest revision as of 22:19, 11 March 2009

UPDATE March 10th, 2009: Minutes from the Board of Directors' meetings are now available on the cnvc.org website! We will keep the minutes below on the nvcwiki for now, but ALL NEW MINUTES WILL BE POSTED TO THE CNVC WEBSITE ONLY.

You can find the minutes by going to http://cnvc.org and choosing the COMMUNITY tab and GOVERNANCE, and BOARD, and then there is a link on the left hand bar with CNVC Board Minutes. OR by clicking this link: http://cnvc.org/en/about-us/governance/board-directors/cnvc-board-minutes/cnvc-board-meeting-agreements

We have removed the call-in information that used to be below, to avoid confusion and misleading info if/when these numbers change. You will find call-in information on the http://CNVC.org website - on this following link: http://cnvc.org/en/community/governance/board-directors/teleconference-dial-information/teleconference-dial-information (you can also find the dial-in information by going to http://cnvc.org and choosing the COMMUNITY tab and GOVERNANCE, and BOARD, and find the link on the left hand bar, right under the CNVC Board Minutes.

. . . . . . . .

Welcome to the CNVC Board section of NVCwiki. The goal of this area is to enable CNVC Board members and others they might select, to edit official documents. It is our hope that two needs may be met in this way. First, the CNVC Board will be able to collaborate on the creation of official documents by using this wiki interface. Second, anyone interested in better understanding CNVC decisions will be able to watch the documents evolve and add their own comments and suggestions in the Public Comment areas. CNVC Board and CNVC LT sections of this wiki until recently were combined due to extensive overlap, but are now maintained separately.

Note: This section is now distinct from the CNVC LT and CNVC GCC sections.
Tip: Click on "Recent changes" in the left column, or "history" above, to quickly see what's new or modified.


Board Teleconferences

UPDATE March 10th, 2009: Minutes from the Board of Directors' meetings are now available on the cnvc.org website! We will keep the minutes below on the nvcwiki for now, but ALL NEW MINUTES WILL BE POSTED TO THE CNVC WEBSITE ONLY.

You can find the minutes by going to http://cnvc.org and choosing the COMMUNITY tab and GOVERNANCE, and BOARD, and then there is a link on the left hand bar with CNVC Board Minutes. OR by clicking this link: http://cnvc.org/en/about-us/governance/board-directors/cnvc-board-minutes/cnvc-board-meeting-agreements

We have removed the call-in information that used to be below, to avoid confusion and misleading info if/when these numbers change. You will find call-in information on the http://CNVC.org website - on this following link: (you can also find the dial-in information by going to http://cnvc.org and choosing the COMMUNITY tab and GOVERNANCE, and BOARD, and find the link on the left hand bar, right under the CNVC Board Minutes.

Board Agenda & Minutes 01/14/09

Minutes 11/16/08 - In Person Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Minutes 11/15/08 - Board Meeting with Regional NVC leaders - Part 2

Minutes 11/15/08 - In Person Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Minutes 11/14/08 - Board Meeting with Regional NVC leaders - Part 1

Minutes 11/14/08 - In Person Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA

11/13/08 - Strategic Plan Foundation

Minutes 11/13/08 - In Person Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Agenda for Meeting 11/13 - 11/16 2008

Board Agenda & Minutes 11/03/08 (Moved from 10/14/08)

Board Agenda & Minutes 09/10/08

Board Agenda & Minutes 08/13/2008

Board Agenda & Minutes 07/23/08

Board Agenda & Minutes 06/11/08

Board Agenda & Minutes 05/14/08

Board Agenda & Minutes 04/23/08

March 12, 2008 Board Meeting was canceled

Board Agenda & Minutes 02/21-24/08

Board Agenda & Minutes 01/15/08

Board Agenda & Minutes 12/12/07

Board Agenda & Minutes 11/1-4/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 09/25/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 08/15/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 07/11/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 06/13/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 05/23/07

Board Agenda & Minutes - 04/13/07

Board Minutes - 03/14/07

Minutes - Board & LT Conference, February 24, 2007

Agenda - February Board/LT Conference (Albuquerque)

Board Agenda - January 10 Meeting

Board Minutes - December 2006 Meeting

Board Agenda - December 2006 Meeting

  Jim and Jori's Report as Coordinators of the GCC

  John Wiley's Initial Report on "E.D." Role Analysis

Marshall's Statement to the NVC network

Minutes October 21-25 CNVC GCC/Board Conference (N.Carolina)

Note: A major decision at this meeting was redefining LT, Board and GCC.

Older Documents - GCC Before LT Creation