Board Agenda & Minutes - 05/23/07

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Board Minutes - 5/23/07

  • Present: John Wiley (President) , Jori Manske, Marshall Rosenberg, Valentina Rosenberg, Stefan Wisbauer (Secretary, Vice-President), Robert Gonzales.
  • not present: Katherine Singer (Treasurer emeritis).
  • Observers: From LT: Jim Manske (GCC), William Poehner (ITC), Danielle Beenders (staff) and Anne Wiley (Synergy); Others: Margo Pair (CNVC office manager), Jiva Manske (newsletter editor), and Turiya Gearhart (staff at Atlanta IIT).

Next two meetings

  • June 13, 2007 10:30AM NM time for 2 hours
  • July 11, 2007 8:00AM NM time for 2 hours

Consent agenda

  • Decision: Margo Pair is elected to the LT for a term of one year.
Needs: clarity, ease, connection, inclusion, effective functioning and safety.
  • Decision: Board meetings will include a list of needs associated with each decision. This list will be generated, discussed and recorded before and during the meeting, before consent is sought on the Decision. Agenda items will also list associated needs when possible.
Needs: providing additional clarity for the Board and additional context for the NVC community.

Regular agenda

Decision: A committee including Robert, John, Valentina, Jori and Margo will address all the questions Robert, Margo and William brought up. Stefan would like to review the draft the committee writes before publication. John Buck will be asked to join the committee as well, and Valentina will check if he would like to receive financial support for that. Danielle will email Robert the email addresses for all members on this committee. Answers will be brought back to the LT and board before June 13.

Needs: clarity and effectiveness.
Robert's questions:
1. How does the LT and Board function? What are the roles and functions of each body and each person in those roles?
2. What is the functional relationship between the Board and the LT?
3. How are decisions made? Who in each body makes decisions?
4. Which decisions are "without consent" and which are open to sociocratic process?
5. What are the distinctions of transparency/availability of Board/LT functions and decisions to the network?
6. Availability of these definitions and descriptions to everyone in the network, in a form that is easily accessible and understandable.
Margo's questions:
Set up goals.
Get clarity on commercial property.
Who is responsible for what?
William's question:
Getting clarity on budgeting and spending authorization for ITC needs. Discussed strategy that he go to Margo, Valentina, Marshall and Jori.

Dialog based on agenda item "trust, objections and sociocracy versus NVC consciousness."

Check out

John Wiley: sad that there wasn't time for me to be heard. Anne Wiley: sad, hopeful. Robert Gonzales: disappointed, frustrated, hope for connection. Valentina Rosenberg: discouraged, need for harmony, equality, respect and connection. Marshall Rosenberg: sad that not all needs are met. Margo Pair: sad, incomplete, want all to be heard. William Poehner: sad, appreciated we are open to sharing honesty. Danielle Beenders: glad to have some movement, sad about the disconnection and agenda points that were not discussed. Stefan Wisbauer: touched by all, feel heard, frustrated it is hard to get heard, glad we can continue. Jim Manske: sad to have to leave with unmet needs, request to have it offline so the board can get to its agenda. Jori Manske: glad for care for Stefan's wellbeing and John's also, glad for all that was brought forward. Willing to stay on call to record what John would like heard.

Proposed Board Agenda - May 23, 2007

1630 GMT, 12:30pm US ET, 9:30am AZ/CA, 10:30 NM, 6:30am Hawaii, 5:30pm London

  • 9:30am PT - Check-in (15 min.)

Consent Agenda

  • 9:45 (10 min., John Wiley)
  • Proposal: Margo is elected to the LT for a term of one year.
Needs: Clarity, ease, connection, inclusion, effective functioning and safety.

Board Minutes will include a list of Needs associated with each Decision. This list will be generated, discussed and recorded before and during the meeting, before consent is sought on the Decision. Agenda items will also list associated Needs when possible.

Needs: providing additional clarity for the Board and additional context for the NVC community.

Regular Agenda

  • 9:55 Consent on next two meetings (5 min., John Wiley):
    • Next currently scheduled for 13 June,

1630 GMT, 12:30pm US ET, 9:30am AZ/CA, 10:30 NM, 6:30am Hawaii, 5:30pm London

    • Following currently scheduled for 11 July,

1430 GMT, 10:30pm US ET, 7:30am AZ/CA, 8:30 NM, 3:30pm London

Needs: Helping to ensure that all members can participate in this crucial time of transition.
  • 10:00 Clarity both verbally and written on (Robert, 5 min.):
1:. How does the LT and Board function? What are the roles and functions of each body and each person in those roles?
2. What is the functional relationship between the Board and the LT?
3. How are decisions made? Who in each body makes decisions?
4. Which decisions are "without consent" and which are open to sociocratic process?
5. What are the distinctions of transparency/availability of Board/LT functions and decisions to the network?
6. Availability of these definitions and descriptions to everyone in the network, in a form that is easily accessible and understandable.
Most of these questions are for me, as I do not have clear understanding on them.

I would like that clarity available to anyone involved or interested in NVC and CNVC.

I understand that these agenda items are last minute and we may not get to them this meeting. In order for me to be effective as a Board member I need the clarity. I would like them to be addressed as soon as possible for my clarity in my role as Board member.
  • 10:05 Report on Office Move and related needs of Staff and CNVC (15 min., Margo Pair).
Needs: Clarity for Board, LT and NVC community to guide our planning.
  • 10:20 Dialog with LT regarding further implementation of organizational plan (20 min., John Wiley).
Needs: Consensus on Needs and Strategies, and agreements for concrete actions.
  • 10:40 Trust, Objections and Sociocracy versus NVC consciousness (10 mins, Stefan Wisbauer)
Needs: Clarity on Board Meeting process?
  • 10:50 Election of Treasurer and Secretary for full terms (10 min., John Wiley).
Needs: Support for Staff to have signing authority available in Albuquerque.
  • Proposal: Valentina is elected to the Office of CNVC Treasurer for a term of 1 year.
  • Proposal: Jori is elected to the Office of CNVC Secretary for a term of one year.
Needs: Extra signing authority in ABQ, increase Board Officers, relieve Stefan of current interim dual role, improve ease of performing Secretary duties and particularly those related to tracking Board business.
  • 11:00 Review and clarification of Decision from May 8 special Board/LT meeting (20 min, John Wiley).
Needs: Clarification of and possible adjustments to Decision.
  • 11:20 Quick reaction round on value of Newsletter for support in determining continuation (10 min., Jori)
  • 11:20 Check-out (10 min.)