Current AnnouncementsNext GCC meeting 4 April 2007
Observers welcome.
WELCOME/WILLKOMMEN/BIENVENUE/BIENVENIDOSWelcome to the CNVC Global Coordinating Council (GCC) section of NVCwiki. The goal of this area is to enable CNVC GCC members and Network Coordinators to connect and co-edit documents. We invite your comments and questions under the "discussion" tab.
Aim of the Global Coordinating Council of CNVCNVC Project Teams operating in every country of the world by 2017. Resources are developed to enable NVC teams to begin and sustain their projects. Teams will be organized sociocratically with double-linking. An NVC Project Team is composed of at least one CNVC certified trainer and one CNVC supporter with a common aim which is in harmony with the vision of CNVC. Each team develops its own mission and aim(s) inclusively inviting interested community members to participate within their circle. Teams operate with autonomy to fulfill their goals while working interdependently within the guidelines and policies of CNVC. Teams are connected to support mutual learning. Individual members of teams cultivate an ever-increasing ability to "live the process" of Nonviolent Communication. As multiple teams emerge within a given area, they work cooperatively together to build life-affirming systems of mutual support, focusing on the vision and mission of CNVC. NewsNotes from Teleconference 7 March 2007The GCC hosts monthly teleconferences to support our aim. All are welcome to observe and offer feedback. To join the next Teleconference, please dial +1.319.632.1100 Participant Access Code: 137631# Observers welcome.
AGENDA: 7 MARCH 2007 Start 1600 GMT, 5pm Paris, 8am US PT, 9:30pm Pune, 5am NZ ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS
1805 Closing of Meeting Notes from Teleconference: 26 Jan, 2007Start 1600 UT, 5pm CET, 8am US PT, 9:30pm Pune, 5 am NZ Present on the call: Eva Rambala, Anne Bouritt, Isabelle Peters, Pierre Marie, Louise Romain, Shantigarba, Kirsten Kristensen, Jim Manske, Jori Manske ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS
Links will be selected by each of these circles when they are functioning as a community with a common aim (or aims). The Functional Leader will help to form their Initial Circle. TABLED
1757 Closing of Meeting Notes from teleconference, 29 Dec 200629 December , 2006 Start 1600 UT, 5pm CET, 8am US PT, 9:30pm Pune, 5 am NZ Present for some or all of the call: Jim Manske, Jori Manske, Chris Rajendrum, Eva Rambala, Kirsten Kristensen, Dominic Barter, Meta Hough (Observer), Isabell Peters (Observer). ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS
We chose the language proposal to contribute to needs for clarity, communication, and effectiveness; we include the geographic dimension within the language circles. After considering clarifying questions, clarification of the GCC's aim and reactions to the proposal, the proposal was amended to:
Total of 10 people composed of:
Selected members can be consented to either by proposal or by a Sociocratic Selection process. We propose that Dom (S/P), Eva (E), and Anne (F/I) be selected for the initial term of 4 months. We would like to select a German/Dutch member at the January meeting for a 3 month term.
Links will be selected by each of these circles when they are functioning as a community with a common aim (or aims). The Functional Leader will help to form their Initial Circle. The proposal was considered in pieces; some parts were consented, some amended and consented, some tabled.
The rest of the Agenda was TABLED until future meetings:
Links will be selected by each of these circles when they are functioning as a community with a common aim (or aims). The Functional Leader will help to form their Initial Circle. TABLED
Notes from teleconference, 28 Nov 2006Greetings friends, We've just completed our first teleconference for the new GCC. I'm feeling a mixture of gratitude, inspiration, frustration and regret. The regret is around a typo in the Participant Access number in the email invitation that was sent. The number on the wiki was correct. I remain puzzled as to how this happened since I thought I copied from one to the other.
{Note on sociocratic consent-generally in sociocracy, if a person does not attend a meeting, their consent is implied. Inclusion is protected because any item consented at one meeting can be brought back up for consideration at a future meeting by anyone withdrawing consent to that item. Thus, Dom's lack of consent, via email, to some agenda items can be re-visited at the next meeting. -Jim}
Linda: Glad to be a part of the call; values being aware and connected to some of the issues; enjoyed picture-making; looking for clarity re planning team and gcc; seeing important to begin with knowledge things will be refined/changed. Ann: In touch with the complexity of the matter, enriched by reactions of others; our experience in the French speaking circle is that the more organized we get, the more we see people from other areas wanting to connect and get in touch; its important to focus on starting, not focus as much on the how of starting; grateful for presence of everyone and for Jori's facilitation. Jeff: Energized, excited, glad that Kirsten and Chris could join the call; excited about the potential to get people connected; the most excitement about organizing by language; could facilitate cross-cultural connection if we were to organize it that way; happy we're having the conversation and moving forward; deep trust in the NVC process and that whatever we come up with will serve the network. Jan: Admiring and celebrating willingness to hold and consider issues; more aware now of the complexity; grateful; hopeful; beginning is important-to try something and have a "reconsideration point" chosen to check in if "it" is working. Jerry: Pleased with care and consideration and some sense of motion; enjoyed inclusion of observers; concerned about inclusion of observers for efficiency of future meetings; not clear yet on who holds decision-making responsibility. Laura: (No check-out, lost connection?)Oh, I got kicked off at the end closing round. But I would like to then give final feedback by email: I enjoyed being part of our call very much, I am at this moment suppressed by the weight of the complexity of this task that is ahead of us now, and also would like to thank Jori for this – to me – wonderful facilitation. I feel a deep appreciation to her facilitation talent and skills. I am really impressed. I felt the conference call was efficient, although we did not cover the whole agenda. I celebrate that I was able to be part of this call now and was able to help one person to join the call and also that I had this time to connect with NVC people from all around the world. Kirsten: (No check-out, lost connection?) Chris: Enjoyed joining even if late; I understand now what was blocking me from the conversation-we are killing each other (in Sri Lanka) because of the language. I'd like another way of uniting us and getting a central circle functioning; more clarity; grateful for inclusion; glad to have heard voices. Jori: Like the increased creativity and grateful for all the feedback Jim: Excited about the connection; regret about the typo that may have prevented Ron, Eva, Aniruddha, and Kumarjeev from participating and delayed Chris' connection; grateful to have the support of the folks who participated today; moving closer to clarity about structure and systemic issues; hungry for feedback about other picture forming agenda item; suggest we try using email and the wiki to explore it. Meeting was closed after 2 hours. Request from the notetaker:I'd like to invite folks to edit their closing round comments for clarity and brevity. I'd also enjoy you clarifying any issues in the picture-forming if they do not reflect your thoughts, feelings, or needs, or if fresh insights arise. My preference is that you use the wiki; if you are not yet comfortable with the wiki, you can email me your edits and I will edit for you. Respectfully submitted with joy and gratitude, Jim Manske (PS Additions receeived via email from Dominic Barter are below) Dear all, I am disappointed to miss this meeting, as I already had teaching activities planned for this time. I am eager to connect with you all and test the decision making abilities of this group configured in this way. I continue to experience much energy for co-creating CNVC, after almost 4 years of participation in committees and meetings of this sort, tempered by many, growing doubts about the directions taken during this time. One of them is the lack of any current mechanism for participating except by being present at this call, something I imagine many - of not all - of us will experience at some point. So, with this e-mail, I hope to create such a mechanism: Please see - and voice/include/consider and respond - to the comments I make after each item. Please also add to the agenda discussion on the development of a time-scale for selecting meeting agendas (how many days before a meeting they are proposed, how each participant may contribute to them (wiki, etc.)). Or - why not? - let me know if this would not be fun.
Time: 1300 UT/GMT, 8 am US EST, 2pm Central Europe Time (CET), 6:30pm India Time Please canvass the time zones we are all mostly in most of the time and include all at th top of each agenda. Please propose a way for making participation relatively equally economically viable for all participants (can CNVC provide the Skype credits for those living in high cost phone countries to dial in this way? Or....?) (15 min) A. OPENING ROUND Requests: Name, Where calling from, Present feelings and needs, hopes for participating in the call; Requests for additional agenda items Dominic; writing from Porto Alegre, Brazil; satisfied, meeting need for contribution and play; hoping call will nurture all with a sense of purpose, possibility and potential; see above for adicional agenda items, plus: I would like to propose we implement a decision making proceedure that does not depend on all of us being on a call together at the same time. When I first began dreaming of this last year I called it soc-e-ocracy, for fun. I have a class beginning in 5 minutes and am still sitting on my bed, so won't go into details on how this might work just now, but I would lik to be able to move faster than I predict we will if we meet on the phone at a frequency I would find doable. Agenda item: Please write to me if you would be interested in collaborating on finding a way to do this between December 12th and 20th, test it in practise between December 21st and 28th, and then present it at the December 29th (or whenever) meeting.
- Next meeting date: Wed Dec 29, 1600 UT, 5pm CET, 8am US PT, 9:30pm India Time I would like this date to be suspended, pending a check to see if it is fisable for those intending to be present on the call, and a satisfactory mechanism for 'distant participation' (like this e-mail, or...?). The date is good for me and I intend to be on the call that day. - Acceptance of agenda for today CONTENT 1325 (10 min) 1. Consent Items:
Request: Jim and Jori - do you consider you currently have the clarity, time and willingness to post the answer to these questions to us all? {Note from Jim: I am preparing a FAQ and will include these questions. Thanks, Dom} Request - that this agenda item be moved to next meeting, after all have had opportunity to read and clarify understanding of your responses.
as for c)
Request: count me in 1335 (30 min) 2. Picture Forming of Organizational System: What could the GCC look like to support our aim? What forms and flows could support the free movement of information, and growth of the global network? What other questions could we be asking to clarify the structure? Who else to consult about a workable structure? Jim: please post the minutes to this piece in technicolour detail, to support our informed response to 1. {Note from Jim: I would enjoy your feedback to see if your need for technicolour is met!} 1405 (25 min) 3. Picture Forming of Strategies to move toward Aim: What are the next steps? What strategies might be considered to help us move toward our aim? What problems might confront us? Who could help us? What capabilities might we need to acquire? Jim: idem. {Note from Jim: We did not address this agenda item yet. I propose we try to gain some depth and clarity through the wiki or emai!} 1430 (30 min) D. CLOSING ROUND Facilitated by Jori - Observer Feedback (15 minutes) -Feedback on meeting effectiveness + Future Agenda items - What’s alive now? Celebrations and Mournings (15 minutes) I'm feeling engaged and curious, having met my need for participation and creativity and noticing a tingling unmet need for connection. Would anyone enjoy sharing a written response to this e-mail and / or the voice meeting? 1500 Closing of Meeting Love to all, Dominic UK Sociocratic CircleOn Nov 22, 2006, Jori and Jim joined the UK Sociocratic Circle for a teleconference. Eastern EuropeMonica Reu writes: "The Eastern European Network had its monthly teleconference meeting Nov 10, 2006 and following a sociocratic election process Laura Liliom from Hungary was elected to represent our network in the teleconference on the 28th of November." ENACCOn Nov 5, 2006, Jim and Jori participated in a call of the ENACC (The NVC English-speaking North American Coordinating Circle). S&EA/OOn Nov 2, 2006, Jim and Jori participated in a call of the S&EA/O (South and East Asia/Oceania Circle). The S&EA/O Circle hosted A 2006 NVC Leadership event, and is considering one in 2007. INVITATION / EINLADUNG / L'INVITATION/INVITACIONINVITATIONDear Community, We invite you to consider how you would like to be linked to others practicing NVC in your local area and to the broader NVC community. Would you like to contribute to this connectivity? As sociocratically selected leaders of the new GCC for the coordination of NVC communities worldwide, I am delighted that Jim and I will working together to support the connectivity that could fuel global social transformation through the growth of NVC consciousness. We are committed to the fulfillment of the vision of having NVC teams in every country in the world. We will be working to help build teams in areas that do not have them, and learning from and supporting connection with existing NVC groups. This is one of the major areas of functionality identified for CNVC at the recent Board meeting. We will be meeting later this month with the representatives previously nominated by existing circles to explore the structures and strategies that will provide representation and mutual connection that will support us all in fulfilling our shared vision of the growth of compassionate giving, joy, and nonviolence in the world. We welcome your feedback about what support you would like in building your community, or in healing any lack of connection currently for you in connecting with CNVC or others practicing NVC in your community. With warmth and delight, Jori and Jim EINLADUNGLiebe Gemeinschaft in Gewaltfreier Kommunikation, Wir laden euch alle ein, darüber nachzudenken, in welcher Art ihr verbunden sein wollt mit Menschen, die die Gewaltfreie Kommunikation leben, sowohl in eurer Region und auch in einem weiter gefassten Rahmen der NVC-Gemeinschaft. Möchtet ihr zu dieser Verbundenheit beitragen? Als soziokratisch gewählte Leiter des neu eingerichteten GCC (Weltweiter Koordinierungsrat), der die Arbeit der NVC-Gemeinschaften weltweit koordinieren soll, bin ich froh darüber, dass Jim und ich zusammenarbeiten werden, um die Verbundenheit zu unterstützen, die zu einem Wachsen des Bewusstseins für gewaltfreie Kommunikation beiträgt und dadurch die globale soziale Transformation vorantreibt. Wir haben den Willen, an der Erfüllung unserer Vision zu arbeiten, Teams in Gewaltfreier Kommunikation in jedem Land der Welt zu haben. Wir werden unterstützend beim Aufbau von Teams mitwirken in Gegenden, wo noch keine existieren. Dabei werden wir die Verbindung zu den Teams unterstützen, die es bereits gibt und von ihnen lernen. Dies ist eine der Hauptaufgaben für das CNVC, wie wir auf dem letzten Board Meeting herausgefunden haben. In Laufe dieses Monats werden wir uns mit den kürzlich von den bereits arbeitenden Kreisen aufgestellten Repräsentanten treffen, um Strukturen und Strategien zu untersuchen, die eine Repräsentation und gegenseitige Verbindung leisten können. Von dieser Repräsentation und gegenseitigen Verbindung erhoffen wir uns eine breite Unterstützung, um diese uns gemeinsame Vision von wachsendem Mitgefühl, Geben und Nehmen von Herzen, Freude und Gewaltfreiheit in der Welt, mehr und mehr ins Leben holen zu können. Wir freuen uns über Rückmeldungen, welche Art von Unterstützung ihr braucht, um eure Gemeinschaft aufzubauen oder eine momentan fehlende Verbindung zu heilen, und um euch mit dem CNVC und anderen "gewaltfrei" Aktiven in eurer Gemeinschaft zu verbinden. With warmth and delight, (Etwa: Mit Wärme und Freude) Jori und Jim L'INVITATIONCher(chère) membre de la Communauté CNV, Ce message est une invitation à réfléchir à la manière dont vous souhaiteriez être reliés aux autres personnes pratiquant la CNV dans votre région ou, plus largement, dans le monde. Voulez-vous contribuer à la mise en place de liens entre nous? Jim et moi avons été élus sociocratiquement directeurs du nouveau Cercle Général de Coordination chargé de coordonner les communautés CNV de par le monde. Je me réjouis de nous voir travailler ensemble au service d'une telle mise en lien qui, grâce à la conscience CNV, contribuera au changement social dans le monde. Nous nous sommes engagés à réaliser la vision consistant à mettre en place des équipes CNV dans tous les pays du monde. Nous aiderons à la création d'équipes dans les régions où elles sont inexistantes. Nous nous inspirerons et encouragerons les liens déjà établis entre les groupes CNV existants. Il s'agit d'une des missions principales confiées au Centre pour la CNV lors de la dernière réunion du Board. Dans le courant de ce mois, nous rencontrerons les représentants préalablement désignés par les cercles existants afin d'explorer les structures et les stratégies propres à assurer la représentation et le niveau d'échange qui nous aideront tous à réaliser notre vision commune: voir la bienveillance, la joie et la non-violence grandir dans le monde. Nous serions ravis de savoir comment nous pouvons vous aider à créer votre communauté ou à remédier à un éventuel manque d'échange avec le Centre pour la CNV ou avec d'autres personnes pratiquant la CNV autour de vous. Très chaleureusement, au plaisir de vous lire, Jori et Jim INVITACIONEstimada Comunidad, Los invitamos a que consideren la forma en que quisieran estar ligados a las otras personas practicantes de la Comunicación No Violenta en su área local y en la comunidad más amplia de CNV. Les gustarÃa contribuir con esta conectividad? Como lÃderes sociocraticamente elegidos de la nueva GCC para la coordinación de las comunidades CNV en todo el mundo, estoy complacido de que Jim y yo estemos trabajando para apoyar la conectividad que podrÃa fortalecer la transformación social a través del crecimiento de conciencia de la CNV. Estamos comprometidos con alcanzar nuestra visión de tener equipos de CNV en cada paÃs del mundo. Estaremos trabajando para ayudar a crear nuevos equipos de trabajo en áreas donde éstos no existen y, por otro lado, aprender y apoyar la conexión con los grupos existentes. Esta es una de las áreas de mayor funcionalidad identificadas por el CCNV en su más reciente reunión de junta directiva. Nos estaremos reuniendo a fin de mes con los representantes nominados anteriormente por los cÃrculos existentes con el fin de explorar las estructuras y las estrategias que proveerán la conexión y representación mutua que nos ayudarÃan a alcanzar una mayor visión de expansión de la alegrÃa, el dar compasivamente y la no violencia en el mundo. Aceptamos cualquier sugerencia o recomendación de la forma en que le gustarÃa recibir nuestro apoyo para la creación, el fortalecimiento de su comunidad o bien cualquier impedimento de comunicación con el CCNV.
Con cariño y felicidad, Jori y Jim Manske FUNCTIONS OF THE GCCThe GCC functions include contributing to support and connection throughout the CNVC network, sustaining existing circles and helping to cultivate new circles. We have a goal of having an NVC team in every country of the world by 2017. Our aspiration is that the GCC and these teams will live the process of NVC as fully as possible. The GCC, like all the circles, is both an autonomous and interdependent entity empowered with determining and implementing strategies to fulfill its functionality within mutually determined guidelines. It will be linked to the decision-making in the Leadership Team through membership of its functional leaders and representatives. As part of a sociocratic system, communication and power will be both "top down" and "bottom up". The GCC is one of a few "top level" circles of the LT and the functional leader(s) of the GCC are thus members of the LT which is responsible for the overall functioning of the organizations day-to-day business. Eventually, there will be an elected representative from the GCC as well that will sit on the LT, fulfilling the aspiration of double-linking. We hope to have a GCC representative on the LT by the end of 2007. This will require clarity about the structure of the GCC which we are currently working on. The leaders of the GCC are Jim and Jori Manske, elected sociocratically by the LT in October, 2006. To communicate via email with Jim and Jori, send mail to; Jim's Skype name is jimjori; Jori's Skype name is jorijim. GCC CONTACT WITH CIRCLESSouth and East Asia/Oceania CircleMinutes of meeting with SEA&O, 3 November 2006Hi everyone These notes have been posted on our yahoo group as well. If anyone present at the meeting is unhappy with how I have recorded an aspect of the meeting please do let me know. I I have omitted anyone in the apologies please also let me know. with care, Linda Minutes for extra-ordinary meeting of SEA&O November 3, 2006 Present: Linda Rysenbry, Liz Gay, Cate Crombie (initially), Cherie Scott Jim & Jori Manske Apologies: Shari Macree, Dorset Campbell Ross, Chris Rajendram, Ron Ngata Checking-in: Linda – Grateful for Liz’s impulse for this meeting and grateful for Jori and Jim’s enthusiasm to get together. Liz – Hopeful of getting clarity and understanding and looking forward to the call Cherie – grateful to have managed to get on to the call by phone and happy to be here Jim – Enjoys community and remembering recently assisting another group in establishing connection and a circle and looking forward to contributing to SEA&O and others. Contributing to community is the ‘juice’ he enjoys. Jori – met Jim in community and is looking forward to an increase in connection in the Network. Sees the power of creation is in connections we make. Celebrating the restructuring designed in Atlanta is based on functionality rather than geography and therefore more in alignment with sociocracy. Exchange around the intention of the meeting during which Jori – expressed intention for the meeting to be about connecting and then seeing how we decide to remain connected ongoingly and Liz – expressed desire for answers to questions she had about the output of the Atlanta meeting. Through questions and discussion we: · looked at the minutes from Atlanta – in particular the new structure – Jori clarified that the structure is intended and agreements have been made, that support freedom to act by individuals who fulfil leadership roles eg. The Network managers Jim & Jori and Marshall & Valentina in their leadership roles, in circumstances that are extraordinary have the prior agreement of the team/GCC to take action as they see fit. Liz sought clarifications and received empathy Cherie – expressed that it matters very much to her HOW things are actioned. And not knowing details felt concerned about HOW actions had been taken regarding Liz gay’s membership Of the GCC. Jim and Jori shared personal mourning in connection to the above. Linda – acknowledged Jori’s personal mourning and expressed desire to hear a collective expression from the GCC (if it was true for them) of mourning. Feeling concerned about there being a ‘group’ that made the decision and now not having a sense of connection to the ‘group’. Empathy around fears connected to groups acting in a way which individuals later have misgivings about. Accepting that all were doing their best at the time; needing safety and to know that something has been harvested that might support us not repeating this. Jori – expressed her personal harvest relating to having not taken action when she heard one more word than she would enjoy to hear. Enquired as to whether Linda would enjoy to contact all the GCC members and hear their harvest. Checking out Cherie – Glad to have taken the time to be present on the call and appreciating the connection having been heard. Jim – Pleased with what was accomplished and sensing that we are part way toward where we want to be. Looking forward to the next part. Proposed another meeting be scheduled – all agreed. Linda – Feeling light and very happy to have connected to need for harvesting and learning. Appreciating Jim and Jori having taken on the role of Network managers and looking forward to how we grow from here. Liz and Jori remained on the line. Next meeting date and time to be forwarded when established. |