NVC USA Meeting 5 Feb 2006
From NVCWiki
Feb 5, 4-5:30pm Pacific time
Proposed Agenda
- Next meeting dates
- International inclusion - comments?
- Open and inclusive with US intent of conference clearly stated
- Support and observe
- Offer perspective from the outside
- Talk about roles of people involved with planning effort
- Margarita: want to know more about observer circle (in inviting people from outreach)
- Kit: want leadership circle instead of a single leader; want to include outer circle for people supporting
- haven't yet talked about roles clearly.
- Logo update
- Sociocracy training review
- Budget - if conference makes a profit, what will it be used for?
- Web support for conference - e.g., a place for people to say a bit about themselves, post a photo, etc. Options:
- Use this wiki
- Pro: already exists, gets more people using it.
- Con: not structured, so it will take more work from users and others to make sure all the information we want is there and that it look consistent
- Drupal - for an example, see http://www.integralaction.net/?q=june_2005_attendees (if you have to log in first use guest, guest)
- Pro: structured, will integrate better with other sites that use Drupal
- Con: programmer time required, meaning getting someone to donate it or paying them (Lucy Perry said $5,000 - of course if we wanted the wiki to do some of the things Drupal does it would also require some tech work)
- Use this wiki