User:John Abbe

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Contacting me:

I've been learning and sharing NVC for a few years now. It's the best practice/theory/network i've found so far for learning/supporting people to have compassion (even for oneself! :-), and to inspire compassion from others.

Moved to Eugene, Oregon about a year ago, and am still familiarizing myself with the local NVC scene but am ready to start offering more formal training (i've been doing what i can to support the local network informally).

I continue to support the Sandhi Institute, remotely and by visiting Sri Lanka occasionally to help spread NVC there.

I'm also part of the NVC USA Project team; we organized the Compassion In Action conference for 2006, and hope to hand any future conference organizing off to others so that we can focus on other activities.

In 2004 i started developing some Learner centered differentiation exercises.

Beyond NVC, i'm interested in the Process Arts in general.

I also juggle and love living in community.

You can find out more about me at


Recently went twice to something called Heart of Now [1]. They have some things that NVC would benefit from (community basis, use of touch, always more teachers/assistants than students), and vice-versa (depth of connecting to needs). --John Abbe 20:54, 22 June 2006 (CEST)

I regret missing the second NVC Wiki Day. --February 2006

I've been playing hookie from NVC Wiki Day, but in a good (and related) cause - i've been talking with Linnaea Marvel, the organizer of the NVC World project. --John Abbe 06:17, 28 December 2005 (CET)

The last few days, i was away in Galle for an NVC training with students at the University of Ruhuna Engineering Faculty. Tantalizingly, there were Ethernet ports in the rooms at the guest house we were in, but we couldn't quite get the settings right - though we got as close as the campus web server (which ironically, i can't seem to access now). Probably just as well - i stayed more focused on the training than i would have been if i'd had net access. --John Abbe 26 December 2005

Thanks to User:Simon_Smaluhn and User:Markus_Pallo for starting up this wiki.