NVC Wiki design

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Revision as of 20:14, 18 May 2006 by John Abbe (talk | contribs)
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something colorfull :)

http://nvc-europe.org/SPIP/IMG/rubon0.gif           http://nvc-europe.org/SPIP/IMG/ruboff0.gif

something Global

Made with Gimp

something with NVC puppets

Thanks to John Wiley and Janette Heartwood

I like it as a first shot, but it would not fulfill all my requirements for a logo in the long run. Thanks John and Janette. Markus Wittwer 17:20, 9 March 2006 (CET)

You like to share your requirements for a logo ? And what is the need behind ? Markus Pallo 08:20, 10 March 2006 (CET)

Yay. I like it better than the black & white one. I can imagine there being something i would like even more, but do not have any specifics at the moment. Perhaps i'll write here again later... --John Abbe 21:14, 18 May 2006 (CEST)- 21:00, 18 May 2006 (CEST)

something with spirit of nvc

Thanks to John Abbe


Help !

Is it possible to have a logo more easy to understand on http://fr.nvcwiki.com ?

How do you translate Expression in french ?

Could someone put something in it to help me translate it in french ?