NVC USA Meeting 20 Aug 2006

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Sun Aug 20 2004

Attended by:

Lisa, Margarita, Meta, Rick, and Tom


  • final financial report?
  • tabulations of feedback from conference?
  • clarity of purpose for USA project group
  • how the workshop went and what people learned to do same and differently?
  • next meeting? Proposing Sunday Sept 17, 1PM PDT; 2PM MDT; 3PM CDT; 4PM EDT
  • Action Item Summary


Final financial report and tabulations for conference feedback were not addressed because no one there had the information. Added to action items below: who knows this information?


Clarity of purpose for USA project group

  • Lisa - different people had different purposes in mind for the conference
  • Rick read stated purpose from FAQ page. Was it met?


  • Met my need for network around specific needs, connecting and

creating more community.

  • Creating more connection, becoming more aware of resources and interest.
  • Had an awareness of the southern CA group - excited they got together.
  • Conflict group met purpose - clear desire for a membership organization to support trainers.
  • sociocracy in action - that didn't go as everyone expected, but gave people a taste of it.


  • enhance community building skills - yes
  • conflict not as a problem - clarity not there about the issue - so no
  • new communities mentored by older - aware it happened, but not with me
  • global community - not directly - not met


  • tried to following the conference remotely through postings and was frustrated
  • excited for the conference as birth process - hearing that things that went on
  • Interested in older communities mentoring new ones - still alive
  • conflict seen as part of the flow - needs met in an an early planning conference - by Kit talking about conflict is part of the flow.


  • enhance community building - had a sense of it; met many people
  • conflict not as a problem - got that in a session near the end
  • new communities mentored by older - aware it happened, like southern CA group
  • global community - aware that some groups were dealing with it


Needs met and what would we do differently?

Lisa - met need for aliveness and bubbling, growth and beauty.

Rick - inspiration - put energy in and it manifest - the conference happened (true in Lisa too - working on welcoming committee taking on challenge and stretching)

Tom - opportunity to see people as he is not in the training community and to come together with trainers and leaders; met needs for inclusion, contribution such as expertise to group about imarketing: gettting the NVC name out there.


next meeting? Proposing Sunday Sept 17, 1PM PDT; 2PM MDT; 3PM CDT; 4PM EDT


Action Item Summary

  • final financial report sent out or at least a status summery
    • Rick will contact Kit about getting this information
  • what are the committees? Who are our links to here?
    • tech team - John and Rick - what is going on?
    • trainers group - Anyone know what came out of the conflict session?
    • marketing group - next step - Lisa send out an email to that group.
    • welcoming committee - someone have a report of needs met and not met?
  • Summarize what happened at the conference
    • Tom will mail / post to the wike a summary gleaned from the website.