Feelings and needs poker 3
From NVCWiki
Poker - connection
Connection | Acceptance |
Affection | Appreciation |
Belonging | Cooperation |
Communication | Closeness |
Community | Companionship |
Compassion | Consideration |
Consistency | Empathy |
Inclusion | Intimacy |
Love | Mutuality |
Trust | Nurturing |
Safety | Security |
Stability | Support |
To know and be known |
To see and be seen |
To understand be understood |
Respect Self-respect |
Warmth | Honesty |
Authenticity | Integrity |
Presence | Play |
Joy | Humor |
Freedom | Space |
Communion | Ease |
Equality | Harmony |
Inspiration | Order |
Physical well being | Air |
Movement/exercise | Food |
Rest | Sleep |
Sexual expression | Touch |
Safety | Protection |
Shelter | Water |
Meaning | Awareness |
Celebration of life | Challenge |
Clarity | Competence |
Consciousness | Contribution |
Creativity | Discovery |
Efficacy | Effectiveness |
Growth | Learning |
Mourning | Participation |
Self-expression | Purpose |
Stimulation | Understanding |
Autonomy | Choice |
Peace | Balance |
Spontaneity | Strength |
Beauty | Justice |
Friendship | Surrender |