Being giraffe vs. Doing giraffe

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"Being Giraffe" vs. "Doing Giraffe"

Being Giraffe is when we are just in the flow of NVC consciousness, whether we are speaking in classical NVC language or whatever words we are using (or no words at all). One benefit of not trying to follow a classic/precise formula or language is that it can be easier to be authentic, because our mind is not occupied with that stuff. We may more easily access what is going on inside ourselves, and be more present to what is going on with others. On the other hand, we might miss things that the precise language or process helps make sure we mention, to check, etc.

Doing Giraffe is when you are consciously going through the steps, and being exact about language to be as clear and precise as possible. This can make it harder to stay authentic, because all that thinking can get in the way of just being, experiencing. It can also lead to over-focusing on how it "should be" and analyzing how others act and talk according to NVC "standards" and therefore correcting them when they are "wrong."

People who continue with Nonviolent Communication for a long time, generally find that they can Be NVC whether or not they are using any of the strict language & process of Doing NVC. (Or being giraffe or doing giraffe.) But along the way, and in any given context, it can become very important to study & follow the more mechanical doing, ultimately as a support for the being.