Spreading NVC in Eugene minutes

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Notes from Spreading NVC meeting May 17, 2006:

Next meeting: Thursday, June 8, 2006 starting at 6:45 PM at Walnut Street Co-op (1680 Walnut St.). Focus will be on workshop planning, with 5-10 minutes spent on intention statement for Spreading NVC group.

Notes from Spreading NVC meeting May 17, 2006: Present: John Abbe, Linnaea, Lisa-Marie, Mark Roberts, Meta, Sharon, Sparrow Facilitator: Meta

People checked in and agreed on agenda.

LM presented about a June 16 intro from 7 PM to 9:30 PM at St. Mary's Episcopal titled "NVC made easy . and fun!" using music and experiential activities; to be led by Lisa-Marie and by Rich Glauber. Anyone who is willing to assist with promo, set-up, attending, etc, or for any questions, contact Lisa-Marie.

Help offered for June 16: Sparrow - sing, role-play, registration, send promo to EW and RG, hang some flyers Mark - available for errands Meta - participate, enter in newsletter, perhaps leading a followup practice group if there’s interest Linnaea - participate, conversation about promo John - promo, possibly participate

Brainstorm about needs we'd hope to meet by having a fall NVC workshop in Eugene.

Brainstorm about what we need to organize a workshop (loosely organized into 3 categories): What we’d put on a poster: Dates, place for event, trainer(s), consensus on workshop focus and audience, shared nameable intention (the heart of what‘s exciting), fee structure, workshop title and topic. Locating participants: outreach team, promo, networking, up-front money, 5 minute pitch for presentation, website, including other groups (sponsors?) with ready audiences (Unity, Lost Valley, etc) Process: enough lead time for all tasks, regular timeline for meetings, decision-making process, bookkeeping and a bank account (sponsor), volunteer coordination, volunteers with areas of responsibility and clarity about their resources and decision-power, support for organizers to "stay connected" and to reconnect, clarity on desired results

Round of ideas (These are brainstorms, not agreements):

John seeking people to co-create and NVC/Heart of Now workshop.

Develop a group of "assistants" who would be gathered over time to give support at the event.

More “assistants” than “participants” at workshop, as Heart of Now has.

Series of mini-intros to build up assistant skills.

Draw on Portland people.

Gear the search for trainer(s) around the idea of "assistants"

Ask for sponsorship for trainer costs

Make fee low enough for inclusion

Outreach outside of "scholarship community" and outside Eugene area

Raise scholarship money in various ways (Jar at monthly meetings like in Santa Barbara.)

Give ourselves more time, i.e. 6 months minimum lead time for a 30-40 person workshop

Consider working with ORNCC on this

Linnaea to ask Pat Butea (sp?) if she has a timeline for 6 month advance workshop planning

Focus on shared intention first for excitement and motivation. Some present like the idea of finding a shared intention and others don't as much. Linnaea suggesting shared intention for workshop and shared intention for Spreading NVC group to be aligned.

John suggesting a more open sharing about needs about NVC in Eugene area

Mark suggesting we agree on 5-year vision for Spreading NVC group

Use nvcwiki.com for co-editing process Two nvcwiki pages; one with shared intention for workshop, one for shared intention for the Spreading NVC group.

Action tasks: John will create two wiki pages, send URL to us, and be available for phone support for those who need it. URLs are: <http://en.nvcwiki.com/index.php/Spreading_NVC_in_Eugene_vision> <http://en.nvcwiki.com/index.php/Eugene_workshop_vision>

Linnaea will work with Mark and Sharon and anyone else who wants to participate in creating an initial intention statement to go on the wiki page

Sparrow will pull together a list of trainers, available from Angel at CNVC; list to be shared prior to and brought to next meeting