Mailing lists
Mailing lists about Nonviolent Communication, sorted by main language spoken on the list.
CNVC's list of mailing lists: (everything there is here already, unless they've added something recently)
FriendsOfNVC - announcement-only list from the international Center for Nonviolent Communication
NVC Geeks - for people creating, maintaining and coordinating net & computer resources to support the living and spreading of NVC
SynergyCommunication - for online practice of NVC
PonderingNVC - for discussion of NVC
cnvc-trainers - open only to CNVC-certified trainers
CNVC certification candidates - for people in the CNVC certification process (or considering it)
NVC-Parenting - for discussing NVC in parenting
NVC-Social-Change - for discussing NVC and social change
EdGroup - for discussing NVC in education
NVC Research Circle Listserv - open for NVC research support by expert researchers and other interested in NVC research.
emergence-of-nvc - Community-created & personal alternatives to CNVC certification
NVC-India-Info - Information list for NVC in India
OGGiraffes - NVC activities (workshops, practice groups, etc.) announcement list for "giraffes" in the Ottawa-Gatineau (Canada) area
nvc-nm-open - NVC in New Mexico 100
NVC Florida - announcements, events, practice group information, workshops, trainers, etc. (including southeastern US events)
U.S. midwest - announcements only 310
Vermont NVC list 144
GFK-Eltern-sein - Einfühlsam erziehen mit GFK
GFKTrainer - für zertifizierte GFK-Trainer und welche die auf dem Weg zur Zertifizierung sind
NGFK - Informations-Netzwerk für alle, die im deuschsprachigen Raum am Thema GFK interessiert sind