Initial Report on "E.D." Role Analysis

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Initial Report by John Wiley, Fall 2006

Major issues I believe are associated with the "E.D." (new title needed) position:

  • M&V have many good connections in the network due to their travel and contacts.
  • Those connections are irregular due to M&V's schedule and other interests.
  • For them to function as Leaders, their connections with CNVC and LT are key.
  • They need clarity, information, understanding, and peace of heart & mind.
  • They need their policies and strategies to be implemented by CNVC and the network.
  • They need concise, timely and effective feedback from CNVC and the network.
  • Sustainability of their role is crucial, with time for rest and creativity.

My conclusion: An unidentified core role for the E.D. is facilitating a feedback loop between M&V and CNVC/LT. One label for this role might be "Chief of Staff" as portrayed in popular views of the U.S. President's "E.D." That person speaks on behalf of the leader, and conveys information from the organization to the leader. Here is a short list of activites I imagine could be listed under such a role, excerpted from my notes in the References section of this email.

  • Liaison between MBR/Valentina and LT/staff.
  • Work closely with Office and each functional role on LT.
  • Attend all Office meetings related to policy, and facilitate LT meetings.
  • Gather information on implementation of M&V/LT policy/strategy.
  • Collect feedback, requests and information from Office/LT/network.
  • Create weekly briefings for M&V/LT, summarizing this with references for details.
  • Review strategic plans, financials and other information for reports to M&V & LT.
  • Draft policies on resource allocation in consultation w/M&V and LT.

My impression now is that some understood that we agreed at the Conference NOT to have an E.D. playing such a "Chief of Staff" role, because we'd instead have weekly meetings of the LT which includes M&V. We'd do all this collaboratively, with LT functional roles (Media, Network co-Coordinators, E.D./Office, Certification, Synergy, Fundraising, Projects, etc.) operating in mutuality and harmony. Given M&V's schedule and the lack of any planning for such meetings since the Conference, I'm wondering if implicit in that was a notion that those functional roles would be operating autonomously with occasional M&V contact.

I predict that autonomous functioning of LT personnel will lead to confusion and ultimately conflict with M&V. Without frequent contact and proactive maintenance of clarity, M&V's leadership will not be clearly understood or implemented as they intend and LT/network feelings and needs will not be clear to M&V. I'm doubtful that we all agree on the importance of or strategies for frequent and effective communication between M&V and the organization, and I'm confident that their ability to sustainably provide leadership depends upon it.


Below are my notes thus far after dialog with Jori, Jim and Anne; and reviewing the Conference notes.

Proposed roles of "E.D."

  • Liaison between M&V and LT/Office/network.
  • Develop and implement policy for M&V contacts, in consultation with M&V/LT.
  • Work closely with Office and each functional role on LT.
  • Attend all Office meetings related to policy, and facilitate LT meetings.
  • Gather information on implementation of M&V/LT policy/strategy.
  • Collect feedback, requests and information from Office/LT/network.
  • Create weekly briefings for M&V/LT, summarizing this with references for details.
  • Review strategic plans, financials and other information for reports to M&V & LT.
  • Draft policies on resource allocation in consultation w/M&V and LT.
  • Create executive policy with M&V and LT.
  • Fundraising oversight, including use of restricted funds, at direction of M&V and LT.
  • Legal oversight, including Trademark issues, at direction of M&V and LT.
  • Ongoing review and evolution of organizational structure (especially Office), developing recommendations for and implementing strategies/policies from M&V and LT.
  • Supervise office Administator.
  • Review weekly agenda for office staff meetings and attend by Admin/staff request, and attend all staff meetings that include policy proposals.
  • Fiscal responsibility, including supervision of investment funds management, at direction of M&V and LT.
  • Scholarship and donation allocation
  • Oversight and signatory on accounts and government reporting, along with Admin, Board VP and Treasurer, and two selected staff members (LT rep.-Danielle, and C-D Assistant-Diana).

Proposed roles of Administrator

  • Manage office and supporting staff:
    • IIT registrar and fulfillment
    • bookstore manager including inventory control
    • donations processing and reporting
    • financial, A/P, A/R
  • Create office policy in collaboration with staff and ED, and consultation with M&V and LT.
  • Employee benefit implementation, based on established policies of ED, M&V and LT.
  • Administrative support for ED, M&V and LT.
  • Produce financial analysis and P&L reports for all CNVC functions and projects.
  • Nurture the culture of NVC in the office through training and commitment to living NVC.
  • Contribute to design of an IT system including database and web tools to support Office and CNVC functions and NVC network services in collaboration with ED, M&V, LT and consultants.
  • Contribute to workflow analysis, streamlining and redesign of office functioning in collaboration with ED, M&V, LT and consultants.

Proposed roles of Network coordinators (Jori & Jim) (adapted by John Wiley)

  • Create NVC Team policies in collaboration with E.D., LT and GCC.
  • Coaching local and regional leaders in clarifying their outcomes in relation to CNVC's mission, vision and aims, at direction of M&V and LT.
  • Liason between E.D., LT/CNVC and NVC Teams and geographic projects.
  • Encouraging members of the network to be connected with others in their area.
  • Develop teams in collaboration with E.D. and LT to support learning and development of NVC consciousness, power with relationships, and social change.
  • Mediate disputes in collaboration with E.D. within the network as needed and at direction of M&V and LT.
  • Faciliation of GCC, circle and group meetings as needed, in collaboration with E.D.
  • Providing organizational skills for team development in collaboration with E.D.
  • Training in mediation and facilitation skills, at direction of M&V and LT.
  • Inspiring and strengthening NVC culture in all NVC organizations through tying the use of the NVC to accomplishing our work, in collaboration with E.D.

Proposed roles of Media Coordinator

  • Create media policy in connection with LT and in collaboration with E.D.
  • Coordinate media requests and authorization to develop media materials in collaboration with E.D.
  • Promote NVC related programs through mass media, at direction of M&V and LT.
  • Develop broadcast, DVD, VHS, online, and print media materials and brochures in collaboration with E.D.
  • Design and implemention communication strategies including e-newsletter, annual report and webcasts

Proposed roles of Fundraising Coordinator

  • Working with all teams to integrate fundraising into everything we do.
  • Grant writing and training
  • Creating new vehicles and campaigns for network
  • Create Reporting mechanisms to donors and network
  • Thank you calls to donors managed with team
  • Developing teams to host Giraffes Around the World events with IITs
  • Major gift tracking and cultivating
  • Reports on fundraising to staff, Board and Fundraising Team

Proposed roles of Training Certification Coordinator

  • Create certification and training policy in connection with LT and in collaboration with E.D.
  • Expand training delivery by including in-house trainers, at direction of M&V and LT.
  • Review proposals for additional trainer categories in collaboration with E.D., N.C. & LT.

Diagram of Admin/ED role Draft Proposal (PDF)


"E.D." Roles cited in Conference Minutes Addendum

  • Guidance on operational matters, e.g. office organization, location.
  • Responsible for overall operational functioning of organization across all key functions (finance, fundraising, legal, online).
  • Assist in hiring/firing decisions and implementation.
  • Responsible for implementing strategic plan.
  • Develop recommendations to Marshall, Valentina and LT.
  • Manage/advise core staff and collaborate with circle/project leaders etc.
  • Primary point of contact between Marshall & Valentina, and network/CNVC (to protect their time and thus increase the effectiveness of information flow).

Requirements cited in Conference Minutes Addendum

  • Giraffe consciousness and NVC skills.
  • Managerial knowledge.