July 2006 Board Meeting Minutes

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CNVC Board/ GCC Minutes July 12th, 2006

Attendance: Facilitator: John Buck CNVC Board/GCC: Jori Manske (ED), John Wiley (President), Stefan Wisbauer (Vice-President/ Secretary), Valentine Rosenberg, Godfrey Spencer, Angelique Turner (CNVC staff Rep) Danielle Beenders (minute taker and CNVC staff rep-elect) GCC: Liz Gay (Singapore). Observers: Meta Hough (Oregon, US), Jerry Koch-Gonzalez (Massachusetts, US), Jim Manske (California & New Mexico, US), Lynn McMullen (Washington, US), Marshall Rosenberg (Switzerland), Jenna Siglock (CNVC office, California, US), Ray Taylor (Scotland) and other unidentified listeners. Absent: Katherine Singer (Treasurer), Anne Bouritt (French-speaking nominee)

Opening: Acceptance of previous minutes & agenda.

1) GCC Nomination Status. Update by Jori, John Buck, and Liz Gay: North America English speaking group is in process with communications and connections being supported by several with various local groups meeting. German speaking group is meeting in the fall to include several groups already formed. Eastern Europe group met and chose a functional leader; next meeting is set up for August with a possible nominee chosen. English speaking in Europe: met this week and has not yet selected a nominee. Spanish speaking group: Juan Enrique Toro of Costa Rica has agreed to coordinate connections. Middle Eastern group; no activity yet. English speaking representative in Africa; no activity yet. Stefan requested Jori to continue to take an active role in bringing about representation for the GCC

2) Atlanta Board/GCNVC Meeting Decision: The in-person board meeting will be from Oct 22 – 25, 2006 Cost to those attending is $435/pp inclusive of Room & Board from dinner on Oct. 21 till lunch on Oct 26 Jori will post documents for registration and other information to GCC members upon receipt. All who would like to come including observers, contact Danielle Beenders at: iit@cnvc.org

3) GCC Member Anne Bourit is not available till 2007. Decision: John Buck will request from the French speaking group to elect a new representative that can serve until December 2006.

4) CNVC Leadership Process Leader Decision: 1. Stefan Wisbauer was selected sociocratically to lead a process to establish leadership beyond the interm Executive Director, with a review of the organizational structure and then a search to fill leadership posts as necessary. 2. Stefan will organize a committee (suggestions offered: Jori, Angelique, Liz, John Wiley) and will consult external advisors like Margret Wheatley, Herman Gyr and others as needed. 3. Stefan will report on his progress in the August meeting.

5) Vice-President Decision: Stefan Wisbauer will be the Vice-president of the board until July 2007 or the end of his board term, which ever is sooner.

6) Name Change of GCC to GCNVC (Global Circle for NVC) Decision: move to the next board meeting

7) Closing round comments The board would like to thank Angelique Turner, who completes her Board term with this meeting, for her commitment and contribution to the board.

Observers: Jerry Koch-Gonzalez; Appreciative & exhausted with struggle for clarity. Wants more of a sociocratic implementation committee. Ray Taylor: interested and bored at times. Appreciated the distinction that was made between Board/ and GCC and the possible outcomes for the future. Jenna Siglock: appreciated the connection, struggled with not speaking during the meeting. Wants the CNVC staff to have input on the leadership. Jim Manske: grateful that folks are willing to do this.

Board: Valentine Rosenberg: thank you for the support around us all getting clarity. Godfrey Spencer: would have liked attention put to the name “permanent” in the agenda item “Permanent Leadership Arrangement Process Leader” regrets the confusion it created Liz Gay: would like to hear more clarity on the distinction between board and GCC members Danielle Beenders: thank you Angelique for representing the CNVC staff. I enjoyed the connection. Stefan Wisbauer: glad to serve Angelique Turner: enjoy connection, happy to contribute. John Wiley: Enjoyed the caring among us as well as moving forward to a more global organization. Jori Manske: appreciating the participation and support. John Buck: request to Danielle Beenders to create a trigger process to alert board members for preparation to create the agenda for upcoming board meetings to be prepared with an agenda one week before the meeting.

Agenda points deferred to or newly proposed for August: > have a phone board meeting in October on the 11th as well as meeting in person from Oct 21-25th. > Name Change to GCNVC > Begin discussion of a GCNVC Copyright Policy, and consideration of a Copyleft Proposal by Dieudonné Dard and John Abbe. (John Wiley) (5 minutes) > Response to request for endorsement of 'End War in Iraq' campaign http://declarationofpeace.org (5 mins) > Request for endorsement of 'Serious Peace Alliance' (Integral Large Scale Conflict Transformation) (Stefan) (10 mins)

Next meetings: August 16, 2006, September 13, 2006 at 8am US Pacific Time, 5pm Central European Time