Board Agenda - July 2006 Meeting
From NVCWiki
Board Agenda Proposals - July Meeting
Current suggestions in order of importance and time estimate:
- Appointment of permanent ED search leader (20mins)
- Clarification of Board / GCC relationship (proposal by Stefan and Jori) (10mins)
- Election of Vice President (15mins)
- Consent proposal: That the Board/GCC adopt the name Global Circle for NonViolent Communication (GCNVC) as our official new title, and that this name be used in all official publications and correspondence. This name would replace GCC and CNVC Board by combining those names to more accurately reflect the global, sociocratic and representative nature emerging in our organization. (John Wiley - 5 minutes)
- Decision on Atlanta meeting.
- Discussion of Anne B.'s nomination, given her inability to participate before her term expires.
- Begin discussion of a review of the GCNVC Copyright Policy, and consideration of a Copyleft Proposal by Dieudonné Dard and John Abbe. (John Wiley 5 minutes)
- Evaluation of the Board President.
- Response to request for endorsement of 'End War in Iraq' campaign (10mins)
- Request for endorsement of 'Serious Peace Alliance' (Integral Large Scale Conflict Transformation) by Stefan (SW: may myself chose to hold until next month) (10mins) I propose a link or more information for items such as this prior to bringing this to a meeting, so we can make an informed decision without spending meeting time on background education (JM)