Spreading NVC in Eugene agenda

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Possible blank agenda for many meetings

6:45 moment of silence

6:47 Check in and announcements

7:00 set up agenda, facilitator, note-taker

7:10 CONTENT 8:05 set next meeting & review action items 8:15 feedback about this meeting’s process 8:25 check out 8:30 end main meeting; committees meet, or set up meetings 9:00 approximate end of committee meetings

Possible CONTENT for June 22

7:10 2 rounds about how the process for assistants at LM and Rich’s intro was like or unlike our ideal… (first round for purple-lei wearers, second round for others, so that “others“ have more observations to respond to) Purpose is to explore what our ideals are, which ideals we share, what needs we hope to meet, and some ideas about how those needs might be met, using a real life example. This is a next step in exploring the brainstorm ideas

  • Develop a group of "assistants" who would be gathered over time to give support at the event.
  • More “assistants” than “participants” at workshop, as Heart of Now has.
  • Series of mini-intros to build up assistant skills

7:40 Confirm or update this proposed list of existing committees, perhaps add members

  • Vision for fall/winter workshop: Mark R, Sharon, Linnaea
  • Vision for “Spreading NVC in Eugene” group: Mark R, Sharon, Linnaea
  • Wiki: John (“John will create two wiki pages, send URL to us, and be available for phone support for those who need it.”)
  • Trainers: Sparrow (“Sparrow will pull together a list of trainers, available from Angel at CNVC; list to be shared prior to and brought to next meeting.”)
  • Timeline?: Linnaea? (“Linnaea will ask Pat Butea (sp?) if she has a timeline for 6 month advance workshop planning.”)

7:50 set up new committees (Purpose: for folks who want teamwork and progress between meetings to have clarity about who wants to have input on what.)

  • committee interested in facilitating an assistant team for a series of NVC intros and workshops
  • Is anyone interested in forming a committee to improve the newsletter / mailing list/new-people-email-greeting process?
  • Fun at meetings committee