Board Agenda & Minutes 02/21-24/08
From NVCWiki
Minutes of February 21-24, 2008 CNVC Board Meeting
02/21-24/2008 Albuquerque, New Mexico Meeting
- In Attendance:
- Board Members: Robert Gonzales, Marshall Rosenberg, Margo Pair, Valentina Rosenberg, Jori Manske, John Wiley (by phone), Stefan Wisbauer (by phone, 2/23 only)
- Facilitator: John Buck
- Observers: Danielle Beenders, Abby Wells, Jeff Tretsven, Todd Hiermeier, Kristina Lee (note taker)
Thursday, February 21st
- Present: Robert, Marshall, Valentina, Jori, Margo, John B., Kristina
- By Phone: John W
- Observers: Danielle, Jim, Abbey
- Discussion
- Financial Report: Margo and Valentina
- Review of calendar year 2007 Balance sheet and Profit and Lost Statement. International Intensive Training (IIT) trainings and workshops are the majority of our revenues. Additional revenue comprise of educational materials sales and Certified Trainer Renewal Fees.
- · Low liability, excellent credit rating.
- · Salary & Benefits, at end of section. Center has policy to provide retirement plan, Discussion of Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan policy from Employee Handbook. Reviewed 2007 annual salaries paid (include overtime compensation). 2006 plan year board approved 6% of wages paid.
- Append 2007 Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Report
- Action Item
- Margo to obtain SEP information and provide board with a proposal, to be voted on before next board meeting.
- Discussion
- Translation of NVC Documents Report: Margo
- The top 5 CNVC business informational pages for the new website have been identified and will be or are in the process of being translated into German, French and Spanish. The pages cover the following topics:
- About NVC, Vision, Mission, Aim and Brief History
- What is NVC
- Learn NVC
- Sharing NVC
- How to find a training, trainer or local supporter
- The revised CNVC Trainer Renewal documents will be or are in the process of being translated into German, French.
- Letter to CNVC Certified Trainer
- 2008 CNVC Certified Trainers Agreement
- Trainer Report and Trainer Agreement Checklist
- Instruction for posing report on CNVC website
- 2007 Commission Fee Form
- Translation policies to address, which documents would lead them selves for translation.
- Global Community Circle (GCC) language team of people with the ITC and Admin. Team are working together in asking questions to develop a policy and testing a process to see how identified documents/correspondents are being translated with an NVC knowledge base within a timely fashion. Many within the NVC community have come forward volunteering their services in support of our global network.
- Action Item
- Admin Team and GCC to develop a translation policy for recommendation to the board.
- Discussion
- Status of Certification: Marshall and Valentina
- An assessor training is being offered this summer in Germany. Certification will be reopened in Germany when we have those who can provide the service by successfully completing the training. If we haven't heard from Isolde within one week Marshall will go ahead and schedule the training in Germany.
- Proposal of Admin Team – open certification for candidates who are and have been ready for final assessment and those already taken final assessment, in all areas except Germany. Rita is connecting with assessors to obtain information on who fits this category and how many this will effect.
- Rita has provided a proposal to increase the fees and the prerequisite hours for registration. Marshall will be requesting feedback directly from assessors requesting the needs for change in fees and hours.
- Topic being examined –
- Integrity of program
- What support if any would the assessors enjoy
- Trainer renewal fees, distribution of fees
- Responsibilities of Registration Coordinators
- Proposed increase in registration and assessment fees
- How to improve and increase support to people in developing countries,
- Examine reasons for proposed increase in hours
- When would a candidate sit for assessment
- Decision
- Regarding reopening certification for registered certification candidates: The Board recommends to the Director of Educational Services:
- Fees not be raised for currently registered candidates
- Offer option to candidates to pay the higher fees contributing to the assessors as well as supporting candidates who do not have the funds
- Reopening Germany is not part of this decision at this time.
- Request
- Robert requests that the Director of Educational Services to provide an update to Board about progress of certification policies after each meeting.
- Discussion
- Leadership Team - Margo
- Leadership Team (LT) has been meeting regularly every two weeks.
- Meeting minutes will soon be availability via CNVC's website.
- Each team are developing their orientation package information, and are incorporating the communication guidelines.
- First LT forum will be schedule before the end of April 2008.
- Discussion
- CNVC Staff Trainers – Marshall and Valentina
- John Kinyon has joined CNVC serving as a CNVC Staff Trainer (position title to be reviewed)
- Scheduling of workshops and trainings is our next step
- We would like a woman to join the CNVC Staff Trainer team as the second staff trainer; hiring is in progress.
- Discussion
- Grant Writer Status- Margo
- Recently contacted someone to be on Selection Committee
- Selection Committee to be formed to assist to with defining criteria, job description and selection
- Currently looking for those that would be interested in being on the Selection Committee.
- Action Item
- Continue with process.
- Discussion
- Admin Team Experience
- Margo feels supported by Valentina and Marshall as well as feeling individual freedom
- Network has grown fast and the CNVC support structure is catching up. We are indentifying and implementing an infrastructure help support CNVC’s growth?
- How do we know who is involved in what? Website will help define member's involvement.
- In collaboration with the Leadership Team Coordinators we are beginning to build an infrastructures which can be maintained and duplicated with ease.
- Ability to have information, data and history providing continuity in each area in order to manage daily business a key concern, and continues to be addressed. Reviewing and revising operational procedures, with staff and reviewing electron files.
- Marshall: How much time is being put into this by Margo and Valentina? Feels that more time is available for him and that Margo and Valentina are taking care of issues until he is needed.
- Valentina: Appreciates that the three of them can call each other and feel comfortable sharing disagreements. Difficult reading technical documents. Need someone to write letters without questioning or apprehension. Valentina, not comfortable holding meetings unless Margo is present.
- Issues may comes up were action must be taken quickly in order to avoid more complications.
- Not as effective as they could be, in the process of setting up structure allowing more time and energy to address complicated situations past and present.
- Marshall is very clear about what he wants to be involved with and what he does not.
- John W wants to revisit having a communication director, moving forward on structural changes
- The Admin team is diligent that if there is a conflict of interest they will say so and recues themselves as needed. We hope that all teams will follow this policy.
- Robert has concerns getting assistance for the Admin Team and communication with network. Determining who needs to be the contacts, must it be the Admin Team? The organization needs skilled and knowledgeable people (Public Relations?)
Meeting Minutes: Friday, Feb. 22, 2008
- Present: Robert, Marshall, Valentina, Jori, Margo, John B., Kristina,
- By Phone: John W
- Observers: Jim, Abbey, Danielle, Todd, Jeff
- Discussion
- Responsibilities of board positions were reviewed; qualities and abilities for a prospective Board Member to possess were identified.
- Self sufficient, ability to fund travel expenses anywhere around the world
- Estimated time commitment: One meeting per month, 4 hours (prep time, meeting, 1 hour debriefing).
- Ability & interest in being on various committees 1hr/wk total minimum 10/hour month
- Orientation package
- Minutes, by-laws, decision tables, Board Duties, Officers-Signatures
- Willingness to learn NVC, express their life with NVC; willingness to participate in meeting with NVC
- Access to email and phone and willing to use
- Ability to speak and read English
- Ability to committee to a 3 year term of office
- Experience on board of large organization
- Attended IIT or willingness to
- Experience with media management expertise connections with global institutions
- Flexibility of persons
- A selection and orientation process for board member recruitment was developed.
- CNVC is implementing a buddy system for Orientation of New Board Member
- Robert, Valentina with Margo’s assistance will orientate new members
- CNVC is implementing an Applicant Period of 3 meetings
- Applicant period provides an opportunity for assessment of candidates’ qualifications, performance, and general suitability to successfully meet board requirements and provides the candidate the opportunity to determine whether the position meets their needs.
- Discussion
- Various categories of media available for us to develop and use were discussed and the need for a Media Coordinator. Knowledge, experience and skills necessary were identified.
- International law knowledge
- Non-profit experience
- Willingness to learn, exposure to NVC
- Knowledge of various types of media: Written, Broadcast, Publications, Interviews, Ipod, web casting,
- Actions to protect to prevent alterations and effects of credibility
- Action Item
- Selection Committee for Media Coordinator will be established
- Get information from lawyers regarding different areas of media and geographic promotion and copyright.
- Media Coordinator vs. Public Relations (Explore: Can we get both in one person?)
Discussion Evolution Committee Status - Marshall Rosenberg
- Letters have been sent out
- A few candidates have responded and are asking "when can we restart this?"
- Working on holding first meeting in Europe in July/August time period.
- Marshall plans on committee holding teleconference meetings
- Action Items
- Marshall to propose topics/guidelines for Evolution Committee meetings
- Scheduling of Evolution Committee Meetings
Discussion New Website - William
- Drupal- content management system.
- Contracting company- specifically work with system, support and keep alive.
- Coordinate/interact with firm.
- Stable platform, system will grow and sustain itself.
- Do not launch until after Conference (March 3rd-March 6th) to make sure technical support is available.
- Three aspects: Design of Website, Staffing Website, Look and Feel of Website.
- System to have certain functions (i.e., comments, registration) replicating functions available now.
- E-newsletter, providing current news (needs translators, editors, etc.) needing Web Content Manager/Editor/Coordinator
- Need system to provide flow of information (Input-Transform/Editing/Translation-Output) with Policies limiting position
- Multi-lingual translation
- Prototype Website
- Proposal from ITC*
Meeting Minutes: Friday, Feb. 22, 2008
- Present: Robert, Marshall, Valentina, Jori, Margo, John B., Kristina, William
- By Phone: John W and Stefen
- Observers: Jim, Abbey, Danielle, Todd, Jeff
- Discussion
Website Display Proposal
- Four Key Messages: Powerful approach; Educational Org.; Get Involved; Inspire World Wide Social Changes
- Has the ability to be constantly changing with current information
- Suggestions: Quotes from Marshall’s book, more pictures
- Determine “personality” of website
- Forum, e-mail integration, create connections, comment moderation
- John W: Agrees with William about why the ITC chose Drupal: its community building tools. That part is done. We've chosen and installed Drupal, and already spent a lot of money on making it even more powerful as a community tool. What we saw today were at least two fully functional Drupal installations that already have the content and capabilities of the present outdated website. Obviously they also have some vastly more powerful features completely ready to use. Either site could be redirected as our active within a few hours (typing in that address would take people to the new site). We have the choice to have William keep fine-tuning the site rather than help people gradually "move in" and help us refine it collaboratively with them. We could launch today with -all- of the new features turned off, and add them in any sequence and at any pace desired. The community could give feedback, and many would volunteer to help once they see the capabilities and how relatively easy they are to use. Appreciation for William's work, agree with his point that our new Drupal web software's focus is on collaboration and community. Suggest immediate limited launch, so we can gradually turn on features and evolve the interface and content in collaboration with NVC community using protections and controls already in place. Site is ready now. Delay now is like a new building where we're "arranging furniture" for a grand opening rather than moving people in room by room so they can help us set things up.
- Marshall: Network needs to clarify what it wants to communicate and to whom.
- Valentina: Does not want to rush the website, but does not want to hold off for too long.
- Jori: The website is not static, and will be changed. Current website is not stable, and the new website will be able to handle more than 40 concurrent users.
- Decisions:
- Launch the new website by March 10th
- Board approves the proposed audiences classification scheme with the addition of Certification Candidates to be include with the Certified Trainers category.
- Media Coordinator will develop and add a media kit to the website
- Board approves of Key Messages with the following revision to last message, to say (NVC inspires people to contribute to social change around the world.)
- Allow ITC to implement the needed strategies for handling the website. For example:
- Determine what is the next stage of the website
- Drupal has ability for data management, Margo is working with staff to identify what information is needed and what type of format to meet our various needs.
- Drupal allows creation of forms and pulling of reports as need without a lot of technical knowledge
- Configuration management control board is needed to make sure there is a clear communication. Possibly being the Content Manager as well.
- Place to put trainer reports, allowing collecting of information (key words)
- Online surveys allowing the collection information from website
- Request to Admin Team:
- William requests to go to conference with developers allowing direct questioning, sense of co-workers in Boston from March 3rd to March 6th
- Action Item:
- Trip Approved
- William to provide travel and registration information to Deanna, she will make arrangements
- Statement of Intention
- System to maintain flow of information
- Timeline of March 10th launch
- Needs criteria for evaluating/approval and rejection and policy of all articles
- Beginning articles needed by Feb 29th for Launching
- Articles from Marshall and another trainer
- GCC to do an article
- Translation of content (top 5 pages)
- Article about John K (bio and picture)
- Web Content Manager, editing team and coordinating support a being formed
- Discussion
Saturday, Feb 23 Business Plan
- Plan to encompasses;
- What CNVC is providing
- Where do we see CNVC in the next year/five years
- Avenue and time line for evaluation progress
- Identifying resources required to accomplish (staff, finances, equipment, knowledge, data, contacts)
- NVC consciousness-comes grounded in our heart. Each board member expressed heart felt thoughts, aligning us with CNVC’s Vision, Mission and Aim. Group picture forming on CNVC’s purpose with strategies for being in the world.
- Decision
- For global empowerment, collaboration, and communication, the board requests the Communications Committee to explore a creation of the WIGO (What Is Going On) Project. The Committee's report should include a proposed position description, and responsibilities of a project manager to coordinate the initiative in service of our mission. The strategy will work with and feed into a central repository that will allow immediate ongoing overview of activities, needs, geography and topic areas.
- Action Item:
- Communications Committee, John W, Margo, Robert and Jori
- Show and list the tools available to Marshall and the network
- Marshall makes request for groups to share celebrations and mournings
- Newsletter that is able to be translated and print locally
- Few days after Newsletter is sent request in Yahoo Groups for updates and work in progress and letting them know that he cannot respond to individual responses. Make it clear that expect group responses are expected, not individual responses.
- Communications Committee stay in contact with Marshall during the development of WIGO Project
- Picture forming on WIGO Project
- Daily communications
- What avenues are used to do this
- Website will help tremendously
- Who needs to respond in a timely fashion,
- Not clear about what avenues to use to communicate
- Chapters and they are set up in their own places, they agree to follow certain policies
- Trainers calling themselves NVC
- Certifying groups calling themselves NVC
- A way to hear what they are saying and a way to incorporate their decisions and cannot be like a membership elected board
- A staff handling these groups
- Pre-decision input
- Post decision feedback
- Feedback be in NVC language
- Observations and requests
- In general when needs no longer met
- All verbal contracts with previous E.D. are not longer valid, and are up for renegotiation, and establishing a contract on a written based form
- How to address the verbal agreements that may come up in the future?
- Seek legal advice pertaining to verbal agreements
- Decision
- The board requests the Communication Committee to include in it's report a proposed Board Policy explaining what “partnership” means to the Board including pre-decision input from the NVC network, post decision feedback and communication between the CNVC and network. It will also recommend a policy statement addressing the lack of sustainability of any previous verbal agreements that may have been heard.
- Discussion
- Admin Team request board advisement concerning investing financial resources
- The board recommends investing $400,000 into low risk, high yield, diverse, multi-currency, socially responsible investments. Additional funds should be invested in multi-currency, liquid instruments. Valentina, Robert and Margo are on this committee.
Closing: Danielle: Todd wanted her to say appreciation of open for observers. Excited about what happened this afternoon. Jeff: Interested in what is going on for NVC, first hand look at how decision are made Marshall: Very productive, especially with topics today
- Margo: Energized, I have a clearer picture of what we are co-creating and feel a sense of alignment.
- Jori: Appreciative of the meeting the needs and maintaining the relationship. Happy with cohesiveness and connections and moving forward meeting the needs of the organization
- Robert: Happy with what we did today, adding clarity with the WIGO Project and Marshall's alignment, very happy
- John B: Happy with spirit part, like to the energy we are leaving with today
- Valentina: Relived and celebrating, appreciate Robert finding missing link of the need and helping have
- clarity. Very happy, and the spiritual part was leading to the group in a way of tranquility and honestly, Looking forward to tomorrow
- John W: Thanking John B. for facilitation of speakerphone "box" movement to help him participate. Glad that group stayed with last part and appreciates the clarity. Excited each morning. Appreciate all members, and acknowledge of observers. Feels their pain, and appreciates the people they represent. Represent thousands of other people
Sunday, February 24, 2008
- Present: Robert, Marshall, Valentina, Jori, Margo, John B., Kristina,
- By Phone: John W.
- Observers: Abbey, Danielle, Todd, Jeff
- Closed Meeting
- Robert, Marshall, Valentina, Jori and Margo attended a closed meeting to discuss a matter in private.
Discussion Group discussion setting priorities with proposed timeline
- Timeline - 1 year
- Jan - Mar, 2008: Publish new website, hire office manager, Certification restarted? Marshall's Article/WIGOApr
- Apr-Jun, 2008: Hire Grant Writer, Communication Committee Report, 3 New Board Members Added, Hiring Web Content Mngr., 2nd Staff Trainer hired, First expanded LT Forum, Timeline for WIGO Project
- Jul - Sep, 2008: Hire Media Coordinator, Hire Public Relations person, Marshall/Valentina in Europe, First Evolution Committee Meeting, Assessor's Training in Europe, Completion of Working WIGO model
- Oct - Dec, 2008: In person Board Meeting, Website upgrade per Network Input, Start Marshall's Media Initiative (Podcasts, interacting with other communities for NVC education),
- Timeline - 5 years
- 2009: Bring on Synergy Coordinator, Options for own building defined, Hire 3rd Staff Trainer
- 2010: Building Lease ends (Mid-year), Start Certifying Organizations, First formal alliances with other Peace-making Organizations
- 2011: Peace Center opens
- 2012: CNVC on each populated continent/ de-centralized certification
- Decision
- The board has recommended Jori, Valentina and Margo as coordinating team to identify the needs (time, requests) and the people that will be in the selection process for hiring new positions.
- Discussion
- John Wiley announced he will resign his Board and Officer positions, effective April, 2008. He will be available after his resignation, and hopes to continue involvement and contributions to CNVC. John wishes to concentrate his time and energy on other things, especially since Anne’s recent near-death experience.
- Feels that the organization is growing stronger and will continue to thrive without him.
- Valentina: Respects John’s choices for leaving, grateful he is willing to stay giving the organization time to re-structure.
- Robert: Would like to support John in his choices.
- Jori: Appreciates the contributions John has made, values his perspective.
- Margo: Thankful for opportunity to get to know and work with John, appreciate his contributions and honors his choices.
Close Out
- Marshall: comfortable nothing to add
- Valentina: Grateful and please with all that was done in these few days, feels incomplete because there was not time to review all action items, understands reasons for this. Excited about what was heart-stormed, mourn the coming absence of John W., honor decision, wish him wonderful abundance.
- Robert: Thank for John B's facilitation, pleased with productive meeting, clarity of vision, the direction of business plan and looking forward to contributions of Communications Committee. Sad to be missing John W.'s contribution, pleased for his moving in directions more serving to him
- Jori: Glad for everything gotten done, sense of continuity, remembering the visioning even to 2011, moving in directions to bring more fulfillment of what we are hoping for. Appreciating the contributions of everyone here. Glad for John B's facilitation, questions, options and creativity. Glad for John W. and whatever he is willing to contribute
- John W: Appreciation of support, and appreciation for CNVC and the many contributions of NVC to his life personally, Thanks to John B for moving around the phone speaker unit so he could hear better. And: action item of voice recorder and better speakerphone to support CNVC's ability to move forward as a global organization. Able to see with more clarity the advantages and limits of teleconference vs. face-to-face.
- Margo: Thrilled with what's been put together. Enjoying our use of NVC and keeping integrity in our actions with one another. I have deep appreciation for the support we have received through John B facilitation, and Kristina note taking.
- Abby: appreciation for being present, the work that has been done
- Kristina: Thanks for having me here. A fun work assignment! Looking forward to see CNVC grow.
- Action Item
- Margo to obtain SEP information and provide board with a proposal, to be voted next meeting.
- Action Items
- Margo to have someone investigate and purchase voice recorders and speaker phones for use at future meetings
- (Admin Team/GCC) Complete development of translation policy.
- Selection Committee for Media Coordinator
- Get information from lawyers regarding different areas of media and geographic promotion and copyright.
- Media Coordinator vs. Public Relations (Explore: Can we get both in one person?)
- Marshall to propose topics/guidelines for Evolution Committee meetings
- Scheduling of Evolution Committee Meetings - First meeting to take place in Europe in July/August time period.
- Action Item
- Communications Committee
- Show and list the tools available to the Marshall and the network
- Marshall sits in on next GCC call
- Introducing Marshall and others in the network to the Yahoo Groups
- Marshall makes request for groups to share celebrations and mournings (via newsletter or article?)
- Centrally produced newsletter that is able to be translate and print locally
- Few days after Newsletter is sent request in Yahoo Groups for updates and work in progress and letting them know that he cannot respond to individual responses. Make it clear that expect group responses are expected, not individual responses.
- Communications Committee stay contact with Marshall during the development of WIGO Project
- Next Meeting, March 12, 2008
- Respectfully Submitted By:
- Kristina and Margo
Append: (to be appended)
- 2007 Balance Sheet
- Profit & Loss Report
- Web Content Strategy Recommendations