=Board Agenda & Minutes 11/1-4/07=

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Board Agenda & Minutes 11/1-4/07

Thursday, November 1 (Executive session - not open to public)

  • 1:00pm Executive Session, to include selection of facilitator(s) for all sessions.

Friday, November 2 (open session)

  • 9:00am - Check-in (Observer Request):
  • 9:15am - Acceptance of September Board meeting minutes, announcements, plans to visit new office space later in day, agenda additions/changes.
  • 9:25am - Leadership Team reports
   * Financial Report (Admin Team)
   * Report on Office (Admin Team)
   * Report on GCC (GCC team leaders)
   * Education Team report, including certification update (Educational Director)
   * Synergy Team report (Synergy team)
   * Report on IT infrastructure improvements (IT team)
   * Empathy groups (all)
  • 1:00pm - Strategic Plan/Evolution Plan, 2008 Budget Review (Admin team)
  • 4:00pm - Check-out
  • 4:10pm - Leave to visit new office space

Saturday, November 3 (start 9:00am)

  • (Morning) Clarification of LT role and discussion with a view to resume LT meetings (Stefan)
  • (Morning) Communications Committee (Robert)
  • (Afternoon) Board member recruiting and retention discussion with goal to develop and implement (Margo)
  • (Afternoon) Election of board officers (all)
  • (Afternoon) LPL investment papers to sign by Board of Directors (Margo)
  • (Afternoon) Review and possible revision of decisions made during previous meetings

Sunday, November 3 (start 9:00am)

  • (Morning) Generative thinking (i.e., time to let visions and dreams roll)
     * For consideration: Program for NVC Excellence in analogy to Maryland Program for Mediator
       Excellence (John B)
     * Marshal Rosenberg Peace Center
     * What does networking mean? Synergy with other organizations doing social change.
  • (Morning) Review of action items
  • (Morning) Celebrations

Day 1 - Thursday, 11/01/07 Closed Session

In Attendance:

Board Members: John Wiley (President) , Valentina Rosenberg (Treasurer), Margo Pair (Interim Secretary), Robert Gonzales , Jori Manske, Marshall Rosenberg
Board Member Absent: Stephan
Observers: John Buck (Meeting Facilitator), Jim Manske, Anne Wiley, M.J. Wheeler (note taker)


  • Robert requested clarity on intention of this closed session. After discussion it is determined the intention is to find mutual understanding, trust, and learning to avoid similar issues in the future.
  • John Buck read letter from Valentina to Board regarding various issues.
  • Discussion re: Pierre Piront possible legal issues, and filming of Marshall's works.
  • Comment by Marshall: Contributing to pain
1) Connections critical to be made and are not being made.
2) Some people have more than one role, some as part of the organization and some that are not.

Rosenberg’s as individuals and also CNVC, Manske’s with their own business and CNVC. Needs clear connections to avoid conflict of interest. Past conflict in network. Important to work out details ahead of time to avoid conflict and encourage connections. Contact is critical issue. Wants organization to come to some decision regarding communicating to achieve organizational clarity.

  • Margo: Appreciate comments. Emphasizes communication & contact is critical. Recognizes challenge for this organization in communication. Relevant stakeholders should all be involved in decision making process. How do they connect? Development of communication infrastructure is needed.

Action Item

Valentina shared informaion: The Law Office of Anne Mccoy, who is working directly with Marshall & Valentina Rosenberg regarding the Pierre issue, recommends continued communication between the Rosenberg’s and CNVC regarding the issue. The Law Office is unable to provide a legal opinion or risk assessment concerning CNVC exposure or advise whether or not to obtain separate counsel. Depending on the nature of interaction which has taken place between CNVC representative(s) and Pierre Pirpont CNVC may need to obtain an attorney separate from the Rosenburg’s to avoid a conflict of interest.


John Buck to facilitate remainder of Board Meeting.

Check Out

  • MJ: Interesting. Satisfying
  • John Wiley: Hoping for some healing. Move forward on logistical issues. How can we more effectively collaborate in the network?
  • Anne: Feels honored to be here. Appreciates what happened interpersonally. Happy because it models what we want. Positive start
  • Margo: Focusing on silence. Openness and non-judgment honored. Deeply held appreciation for openness and integrity of discussion.
  • Robert: Tired. Pleased here together. Heaviness & pain surrounding interpersonal issues. Pleased at willingness to communicate. Hopeful. Curiosity: What is it that disconnects people? Peaceful.
  • Valentina: Tired. Deeply touched with everyone’s presence. Celebrating taking responsibility for her own needs. Grateful for everyone being here.
  • Marshall: Deep respect for how much work Valentina put into issues discussed today.
  • Jori: Appreciating lightness and tenderness in the room. Sadness (?) Needs release of intensity of feelings. Mourning things done came back different from intentions. Established more clarity. Peace with feelings.
  • Jim: Gratitude to Marshall. Grateful to John Buck for facilitation and feedback. Grateful for clarity of Valentina in gathering information presented today and goal of clarity, connection, healing. Grateful to Robert for focus. Disheartened that we’re having to deal with disconnect some interpersonal disconnects. Scared about lack of information.
Ajourn 5:45pm

Day 2 – Friday 11/02/07

Present: Marshall, Valentina, Robert, Margo, Stephan, Jori, John Wiley
Observers: John Buck (Facilitator), Jim Manske, Abbey Wells, M.J. Wheeler (note taker)

Review September 25, 2007 . Approved.

Discussions & Reports

Margo: Admin. Team Report

  • Financial Statements reviewed.

Margo: Office Report

  • Provided an overview of personnel & office functions
  • Office is still operating out of a temporary space, with plans to be in new commerical facility by November 1st.

Leadership Team Reports

Jim: Global Community Circle (GCC) Report

  • Review vision, mission, and aims
  • Reviewed concerns and requests from groups in key locations
  • Review activities and action from groups in key locations

Action Items

  • Action item: Jori to investigate status of sect labeling review in French area
  • Action item: Jori to contact Dominique Barter regarding contact info to Marshall for trip to Portugal

William (LT): IT Infrastructure Report

  • Web site project update
  • Functions to add for users: online newspaper, multi-lingual site, forum & email integration on website
  • Developing new look & feel for new site for more professional image
  • Translation languages: Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, English, going in steps, will be translating the top dozen pages most accessed first then the rest as possible.
  • Work w/GCC to establish relationships with circles to plug in w/web administrator.
  • Tech side: tested, running smooth. Big issue with translation is performance. Cannot predict needs until up and running. May need to allocate budget for tech upgrades related to usability with translation. Critical with worldwide users for speed of loading
  • Integration for forum and email to help drive website forum content. Will help drive traffic to website and by extension bookstore, etc
  • William received feedback from current forums that they would be willing to utilize new forum
  • Develop theme and look & feel of website
  • Looking at tagging information 5 or 6 different categorized, can be tagged by category, geographically, users
  • Stephan: Re: online newspaper, consider initially restricting online newspaper content posting ability to only certified trainers in order to get that part of the site up and running sooner. Also, consider introducing new content and look & feel as it is ready, rather than waiting for the total website to be completely finished. Need a good balance between going live ASAP and other considerations:
  • 3 points:
    • Content & positioning updated
    • Look & feel
    • Focus on news function in efficient way
  • Margo: Wish to acknowledge the background work which has taken place, thank you William and those on the ITC. We all still have concerns with current site being outdated both in image & content giving the wrong impression to website visitors. Concerned about copyright and trademark issues being presented more prominently but in the spirit of NVC to give it the importance it needs. Needs someone with a NVC conciousness to assist in editing and writing content to support the work being done.
  • John Wiley: Appreciation to William regarding all his work.

Anne: Synergy Team

  • Anne’s Experience: Organized ideas received from members. Needs some kind of organizational plan. Suggests preparation of informational presentations for higher level and lower level pieces. Also how do we connect different entities work together. Needs more organizational structure before able to proceed with project. Need to know what we are presenting before we can proceed.
  • Marshall: Image is to connect our network with other networks with a similar mission.

Action item
Action item: Valentina to send package of notes developed with Barbara Larson regarding synergy Ann.

Education Team Report

  • Certification: The timeframe for certification renewal will be extended for an extra 2 months this year due to changes in certification process.
  • Certification will be open soon.
  • Rita and Marshall have worked together developing instructions and guidelines including social change considerations for assesors to reflect changes in certification program. Once completed an announcement re-opening certification will be made.
  • Re: Germany, Isolde will work as assessor with a team using same criteria that all assossors use. New criteria will be translated and forwarded on to Isolde. Isolde would like to certify 20 people who are ready. Feels excited and ready to go.
  • Rita is a major part of training for existing trainers.
  • Margo: There have been several meetings with Rita identifying areas where trainers and assessors could use support.

Action Item:
Action Item: Admin Team will assure an announcement is made to the network ASAP concerning the certification process re-opening soon.

  • Valentina: Currently amending materials to define and expand on the term social change to make it clear what activities constitute social change. Verification of social change activities will be through review of information in annual trainers report. Include guidance for assessors in this process.

Existing trainers should review new criteria and see if what they’ve already done will fit new criteria include it in renewal report for this year. If not, they can describe plans for such activities in the coming year.

  • Robert: Would like to be involved in development for assessors training and ongoing training for certified trainers.
  • Valentina: CNVC will be giving priority to 1st time participants in IIT training before allowing previous participants to attend. We are currently developing in-house procedures to support the intention.

Action Item:

  • Action item: Jori will update Valentina on suspended trainer status from prior year.
  • Margo: Grateful for the ongoing support of current assessors. Also we need new assessors. Open up certification again to include social change requirement. In notification, clarify why certification was put on hold – CNVC’s concern about validity.

Board Member Recruiting and Retention

Decision:'Our need for the following type qualifications and expertise in prospective Board Members.

  • Finances (budgeting, investing)
  • Legal environment – International
  • Experience running international non-profits – provide synergy with other boards
  • Fund raising
  • Social Change
  • Media and Public Relations
  • Connections with international NGOs
  • Marketing
  • Technology
  • Artist/writer

Action Items

  • Action Item: Approach Ann Wiley regarding taking on recruiting new Board Members (Ann take into consideration.)
  • Action Item: Valentina to send list of possible board members to Margo

Strategic Plan

John Buck: Review Strategic Initiative matrix and projected budget 2008.
Recommend moving forward for 2008 on:

  • Continue current income-generating activities
  • Certification
  • In-house trainers
  • Fundraising
  • Media
  • Regional Offices/local organization (GCC)

In-house training:

  • Valentina: She and Marshall are working to hire in-house trainers sooner than mid-2008, probably producing income beginning March 2008
  • Stephan: Instead of an on staff in-house trainers and incurring an ongoing expense possibly define a short-list of existing trainers to take on those trainings that Marshall will not do and pay the trainer a fee.
  • Marshall: Wants a clear-cut division between outside and inside trainers.
  • John Buck: Value to having in-house trainer is building staff for ongoing operations.
  • Valentina: Also note already have booking requests for in-house trainers for 2009
  • John Buck: There may be an issue bringing on staff an existing in-house trainer who already has a practice.
  • Margo: The Admin.Team with assitance from Barbara Larson has developed a draft contact to hire trainers that are a good fit for the type of request we have received.


Board supports the concept of adding in-house trainers to the education services team for two trainers. Decision to be reviewed in one year.


  • Jori: Grant writers often fund their own positions and take a percentage of the award.
  • Robert: TechSoup recently put out a training for fundraising for non-profits
  • Stephen: Build up grant fundraising expertise and then share it across the network. Grassroots can be handled through circle with local Admin support.


  • Hire a grant writer paid on percentage of award basis. Review decision in one year.


  • Hire Administrative Coordinator for support of grassroots fundraising and other administrative tasks in 2008. Review decision in one year.

Day 3 – Saturday 11/03/07

Present: Marshall, Valentina, Robert, Margo, Stephan, Jori, John Wiley Observers: John Buck (Facilitator), Jim Manske, Abbey Wells, M.J. Wheeler (note taker), Anne Wiley, Danielle


Letter from MBR

In response to a Board request Marshall has written a letter for an evolution plan and evolution plan committee: November 3, 2007. The goal of this Board topic and Marshall's letter below, is to clarify our goal of planning for any changes that might occur in Marshall's role and is not any change being planned. So this will help us to prepare the groundwork in case a change ever is needed.

Dear Board Members and CNVC Community,

I am writing in response to the suggestion that we prepare for how the role I have been playing in our organization will be succeeded when I will no longer be with the organization.

First, I hope that it is clear to all that I have been addressing the question of my evolution from the time I became aware of the power of the process we call Nonviolent Communication. I wanted to be sure that its availability was not dependent on me. Mainly for this reason I created our organization and have been preparing trainers. I believe these efforts have been successful and I can see that the organization can presently survive and sustain itself extremely well without me.

At the same time, I would like us to look at how whatever I am adding of value at present that has not yet been built into the organization be built into it. I can see that one element of this would be for me to have key people spending more time with me when I am on strategically important trips or engaged in other strategically important work. Of course, an important issue is who these people might be. I am thrilled that one of these people is my wife, Valentina Rosenberg. Not only has she been traveling with me and understanding the complexity and problems of our network, but the way I see her living her life in harmony with the consciousness that Nonviolent Communication was created to serve, leaves me feeling very confident in her being part of the team to sustain the process.

I suggest the following. I suggest a committee be formed with the purpose of insuring that whatever I have been offering the organization be left within the organization when I leave. Notice I haven’t put this in terms of who will succeed me. I can imagine that the position I have been fulfilling might no longer be necessary or could be done by breaking it up into parts that different people could play, etc. To repeat I am suggesting that the committee’s task would be to assure that I am leaving the organization with that which would be of value to the organization.

The membership of this committee would be very important to me and I would like to select them. My choice would be the following: Valentina Rosenberg, John Kinyon, Barbara Larson, Robert Gonzales, Margo Pair, Klaus Karstadt, Katherine Singer, Andy Basu, and Lucy Leu. Ican imagine this committee meeting with me periodically, perhaps twice a year for the next three years.

I would appreciate your feedback to my suggestion for a committee to determine evolution issues. If you are in harmony with the suggestion, I would also appreciate your feedback about my suggested membership on the committee.


Marshall Rosenberg


In response to the Board’s request, the Board establishes an Evolution Committee. Per the attached letter, prepared by Marshall Rosenberg for the purpose of insuring the qualities Marshall provides the organization be left within the organization when he leaves. The Evolution Committee will make suggestions and recommendations to the Board. The Evolution Commitee and will provide a report after each meeting to the Board. Proposed committee members would be Marshall Rosenberg, Valentina Rosenberg, John Kinyon, Barbara Larson, Margo Pair, Klaus Karstadt, Katherine Singer, Andy Basu, Lucy Leu, and Robert Gonzales. Committee members proposed term will be three years. Details of operations and funding of the committee to be determined at a future time.

Leadership Team (LT) role clarification and discussion

  • Stephan: Was initiated to create connection at the core and allow for intelligent management but is not happening. Explore as a strategy for connection and inclusion. Continue with notion of LT or not?
  • Margo: Wanting communication and mutual creativity
  • Valentina: Wants to find a way for LT meetings to be productive.
  • Robert: 3 questions: Continue with LT or not? Reestablish team meetings. How to make them productive?
  • Jori: Proposal – Meet but not to do the admin stuff but to report and talk about what is alive in the projects we’re doing and get feedback and coordination.

Specify who meets. Routine exchanges heads of committees. Circle meetings w/reps from committees.

  • John Wiley: Philosophical choice: Eliminate Admin Team (AT) and go with LT only? King vs. circle?
  • Margo: Define and discuss how circle’s work within each individual circle.
  • Robert: How are decisions made in circles and how are those decisions to communicate?
  • Jim: Like to find a way to report briefly and clearly.
  • Jori: How to measure the feedback and be very clear about what needs feedback. Also welcome open door for feedback.
  • Stephan: Key distinction around accountability and function. Accountability: small group of full time people who are accountable about overall progress and success. Concerned its now too distributed. Define frequency of communication.
  • John Wiley: Collaborative structure could really address issues. But can it be done? If we can get it to work it would serve our mission.
  • John B: “King” has plus & minus. Advantage is a center point for communicate. Negative ignore people and not taking into account needs. Need to have the AT position so that someone has an overall view of what is happening.
  • Marshall: would be scared about going in the direction of no leadership
  • Robert: Leadership, Damaging labels (king), What is missing is communication. Enlightened leadership has a big heart and gives a high value to communication and consideration of needs of everyone. Is the structure a channel for life?
  • Stephan: Like us to stay away from the abstract, unhelpful. Talk about our needs and stakeholders needs. Any strategy should link back to that.

Discussion tabled until after Communication Committee presents.

Communications Committee Report

  • Robert: Original strategy to create a specific role, internal communications coordinator. Ombudsman. Role to support greater communication flow. Greater problem identified as not having clarity about all of the circles and communications flow. Need to create a structure to enhance communication flow.
  • One strategy: Orientation package as part of clear communication for anyone involved in any circle or any new board member.
  • Jori: The committee saw a primary need as strategic collaborative plan with functioning circular system.
  • Margo: Encompassing simplicity, ease and ability to duplicate.
  • Marshall: We need to be able to measure where we are not communicating.
  • John Wiley: Look at it systemically in a distributive collaborative model, rather than have one person only responsible make it collaborative within the circle. Need documented strategy and guidelines.
  • Marshall: Coordinator’s role would be to facilitate that.
  • John Wiley: Not investing enough in expanding and clarifying roles and documenting that information.

Identified Needs:

  • Effectiveness
  • Clarity
  • Sense of collaboration
  • Accountability


All meetings must document in their minutes the following questions which have been asked at the end of the meeting.

1.What do we communicate – information (ask and/or tell), decisions (observations & needs met?), feedback requests
2.How do we communicate it?
3.Who do I communicate it to?

Admin Team (AT) to communicate this decision to all coordinators live conversation.
Communications Committee to evaluate this decision in 2 months and report to the Board

Continuation of Leadership Team (LT) discussion:

  • John B: Two types of meetings:
  • Staff meetings (AT & heads of circles) and coordinating/collaborating meetings to communicate policy, make decisions, etc.
  • Circle meetings that step back to look at how we are operating, make policy recommendations on how to work together better.
  • John Wiley: Look at no AT as decision maker/central contact point but rather LT and possibly facilitator role?
  • Questions: Are we going to have an LT staff meeting? Are we going to have an LT circle meeting?
  • Coordinator’s Forum meets at least once a month, coordinator’s of circles must attend, others may be nvited
  • Occasional (Town Hall) meetings in lieu of forum to include both coordinator’s and upward links.
  • “Expanded LT Meeting” instead of “Town Hall”.


1.Have LT forum every month attended by AT and LT coordinators.
2.Have Expanded LT forum every 3 months attended by AT, LT coordinators, and a 2nd person nominated from each LT team.

Margo to set forum schedule and communicate schedule to circles and teams.
Review this decision in 6 months.

Election of Board Officers - President, Vice-President, Secretary

Terms for one year


President – Robert Gonzales


Vice-President – John Wiley


Secretary - Margo Pair


Board approves hiring of a full charge bookkeeper, salary plus benefits.

Misc. Discussion Topics

Margo: Clarification of budget item for expenses to Board members to attend board meetings. Policy establishes annual funds in support of in-person Board meeting is still in effect.


Update CNVC Policy regarding frequency and means of Board Meetings.


Paragraph 1.F.3. of CNVC Board Policy is amended to say: ”The CNVC Board will meet at least every three months, ideally every month, by teleconference or other means as deemed appropriate. CNVC encourages in-person Board Meetings to support connection and quality of decision-making, frequency and duration of such meetings to be determined by the Board as considered appropriate in a given year.


Margo: Review and revision of bylaws and policies of CNVC Board is needed. Were last updated in 2003. Also, an updated ethics and conflict of interest policy should be adopted by the Board would be helpful to this organization and the network. Transparency makes sure Board has all information to make recommendations and informed decisions as needed.


Margo to form a committee to review and recommend updates and revisions to the CNVC bylaws and Board policies. To be presented at next in-person Board meeting. Effort to include Ethics Policy and Conflict of Interest Policy.

Action item: Distrubute proposed amended bylaws and policies of CNVC to each Board member for review and comment at next in-person meeting.


Margo: Board policy requiring CNVC to keep a minimum of six months operating expense saved as assets liquid. Currently we are easily conforming to those policies.

Concerned with need to reinvest matured CDs. Also need to update name on account as well as designate who can give instructions regarding investments.

Action Item: Remove Gary Baran from existing accounts and reinvest funds as deemed appropriate by Treasurer. Establish accounts by Board position rather than an individual name.


Action Item: Margo to form a committee (Board members and others) to assist in the development of New Board Member Recruitment and Orientation package.


Margo: Thrilled, encouraged by the way things flowed today
Marshall: Relief.
Valentina: Hopeful. Relief. Gratitude
Robert: Relief. Relaxation into alignment between all of us. Celebrating clarity. Scared about time commitment. Excitement. Hope. Inspiration.
Jim: Tired. Pleasantly surprised. Encouraged.
Jori: Exhausted.
Stephan: Thrilled by progress we’ve made.
Danielle: Excited
M.J.: Excited.
John B: Tired. Worried about time restrictions for rest of meeting.
John & Anne Wiley sang the song "It's You I Like" © 1971 Fred M. Rogers

Day 4 - Sunday 11/04/07

Present: Marshall, Valentina, Robert, Margo, Stephan, Jori, John Wiley
Observers: John Buck (Facilitator), Jim Manske, Abbey Wells, M.J. Wheeler (note taker), Anne Wiley, William, Danielle

  • Scheduled Board meetings during 2008 are
  • February 22nd to 24th
  • November 14th to 16th

Action Item: Margo add “Schedule of 2009 Board meetings to agenda of next Board teleconference meeting.


Robert read draft letter he proposes to send to communicate message to CNVC community to offer quick summary of highlights from meeting. Address communication structure and continuing evolutionary process.

Action Item: Robert to email draft letter to Board Members for review and discussion.


  • Review, discuss, and modify 2008 draft budget.
  • Figures are estimated based on this year figures along with known or estimated changes for next year.
  • Marshall is looking forward to CNVC identifing enhancements to income stream which might include ways to increase donations through CNVC events in local communities with GCC. Income estimates unknown at this time.


  • Board consents to draft budget.


Reviewed material on the Maryland Program for Mediator Excellence (MPME) presented by John Buck to give Board an example of “generative thinking” – that is, exploring new ideas and perspectives. CNVC might want to adoptan approach similar to the MPME for promoting excellence among NVC practioners, whether or not certified. John recommended more time for generative thinking in future Board meetings.


  • Need for a Media Coordinator
  • Robert, define strategies to develop media priorities
  • Valentina and Deanna have summarize media successes with opportunities that are already being considered in the future with Valentina and Marshall.
  • John Wiley, we need to define, research, and begin search for media coordinator immediately.
  • Margo, estimate budget item to support positon until addtional research is done.


Agreed to hiring a Media Coordinator to the 2008 budget.

Check out

Stephan, thrilled, energy regarding possibilities, excitement.
John Wiley, peaceful, calm, serene.
John B, sadness, enjoyed assisting with process,
Abbey, eager to contribute, overwhelmed
M.J., thankful,
Anne, happy, growth and inspiration
Marshall, grateful to John B.,
Valentina, happy, delighted with progress, grateful,
Robert, excitement, fear and concern, mobilized where to focus passionate energy and needs for connection to family, sense of trust lets fear relax, gratitude, feeling you get right before you jump on a roller coaster
Jim, gratitude, uneasiness about what’s left unfinished,
Jori, gratitude, anxiety
Danielle, glad
William, good, enjoyed connections, happy to be a part of this
Margo, clear, excited,

Action Item Summery

  • Action Item: Margo will coordinate review of these minutes.When they are posted on the wiki, there will be an announcement on trainers and friends lists.
  • Action Item: Jori will share with Margo the means she’s developed for easy tracking of completion of action items
  • Action Item: John B will submit to Vice president and Secretary a list of decisions to review and items from the flip charts that could be on future Board agendas.
  • Action Item: Margo will breakdown budget items by month and prepare monthly Progress Against Budget reports for each Board meeting.
  • Action Item: Jori will forward to Robert a suggested statement regarding welcoming ideas from network to Board & AT for possible inclusion in his letter.
  • Action Item: Translation policy and GCC is a priority. Margo to schedule meeting regarding these two items
  • Action Item: Jori - to investigate status of sect labeling review in French area
  • Action Item: Jori - to contact Dominique Barter regarding contact info to Marshall for trip to Portugal
  • Action Item: Valentina - to send package of notes developed with Barbara Larson regarding synergy Ann.
  • Action Item: Admin Team is happy to assure an announcement is made to the network ASAP concerning the certification process re-opening soon
  • Action Item: Robert - to be involved in development for assessors training and ongoing training for certified trainers.
  • Action Item: Jori -will update Valentina on suspended trainer status from prior year.
  • Action Item: Ann Wiley will consider taking on recruiting new Board Members
  • Action Item: Valentina - to send list of possible board members to Margo.
  • Action Item: Admin. Team to hire or contract with up to two in-house trainers on the education services team, approved within.
  • Action Item: Admin Team to establish hiring committee to hire a grant writer paid on percentage of award basis, approved within budget. Review decision in one year.
  • Action Item: Admin Team to hire Administrative Coordinator for support of grassroots fundraising and other administrative tasks in 2008, approved within budget. Review decision in one year.
  • Action Item: Board establishes an Evolution Committee, as noted in Marshall's letter to the board, November 3, 2007.
  • Action Item: Admin Team (AT) to communicate the communication committee’s guidelines.
    • What do we communicate – information (ask and/or tell), decisions (observations & needs met?), feedback requests
    • How do we communicate it?
    • Who do I communicate it to?
  • Action Item: Have LT forum every month attended by AT and LT coordinators.
  • Action Item: Have Expanded LT forum every 3 months attended by AT, LT coordinators, and a 2nd person nominated from each LT team
  • Action Item: Margo - to set forum schedule and communicate schedule to circles and teams. Review this decision in 6 months.
  • Action Item: Margo - to form a committee to review and recommend updates and revisions to the CNVC bylaws and Board policies. To be presented at next in-person Board meeting. Effort to include Ethics Policy and Conflict of Interest Policy.
  • Action Item: Margo - Distribute proposed amended bylaws and policies of CNVC to each Board member for review and comment at next in-person meeting.
  • Action Item: Margo - Remove Gary Baran from existing accounts and reinvest funds as deemed appropriate by Treasurer. Establish accounts by Board position rather than an individual name.
  • Action Item: Margo - to form a committee (Board members and others) to assist in the development of New Board Member Recruitment and Orientation package
  • Action Item: Margo - add “Schedule of 2009 Board meetings to agenda of next Board teleconference meeting.
  • Action Item: Robert - will draft letter he proposes to send to CNVC community offering highlights from meeting. Address communication structure and continuing evolutionary process. Email draft to Board members for review and discussion.
  • Action Item: Valentina – will work with Deanna to summarize media successes and opportunities that are already being considered.
  • Action Item: Admin Team to establish hiring committee to hire a Media Coordinator.