Needs are met

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Below is a list of Needs that can be met by using and supporting free [Open Source] software (abbreviated to "OSS" below). You are invited to add items and comments.

  • Collaboration - people work together to build OSS.
  • Equality - more computers can run typical OSS than can run typical commercial software.
  • Internationality - most OSS has multiple language support.
  • Openness - there is no secret code in OSS.
  • Safety and Trust - because there are no secrets, it's easier to trust developers.
  • Financial ease - most OSS is free.
  • Evolutionary creativity - new features can be added or requested by anyone.
  • Community and mutuality - it's fun to contribute.
  • Cooperation (power with) - everyone's needs matter more equally.
  • Stimulation - OSS is only limited by our ability to dream and contribute.


  • I am scared of OSS being difficult to learn and use.