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===== Living Room =====
===== Living Room =====
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== Peace Talks Radio ==
== Peace Talks Radio ==

Revision as of 02:49, 25 January 2008



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1. Go to the page which holds the mp3/wma link.

2. right click on the link which links to the mp3 and from the context menu which opens select "Save target as...".

Miki Kashtan

Certified NVC trainer, is co-founder of Bay Area Nonviolent Communication and the North America Leadership Program ...

Hosted two recorded radio shows series "Conflict Hotline" and "Living Room".

The Mp3s links are from growingcompassion.

Conflict Hotline
  • January 10th, 2005
    • Host Miki Kashtan offers support to this week's callers in handling issues in their life, such as: longing for acceptance from family of origin about one's sexuality; working to reach consensual decisions with a divorced co-parent about visitation with a daughter living abroad; handling issues of trust in relation to previous therapists; trying to work out internalized messages about oneself even after a parent has died; maintaining connection with faraway adult children; doing inner work to achieve more openness; and organizational conflict. The main approach used by Miki was to connect deeply with the feelings and needs of the person speaking, and supporting them, at times, in connecting and understanding the experience of the other person in the conflict in order to achieve a solution that works for everyone based on shared needs.
  • January 17th, 2005
    • Host Miki Kashtan supported callers in facing a variety of difficulties in their life. A prominent themes was relationships with siblings, in which callers wanted understanding for themselves, hope for resolution, and hope for being able to understand their siblings. Another theme was inner conflicts, ranging from wanting healing and support for difficulties from the past, to seeking understanding and inner peace and acceptance. This being Martin Luther King Day, Miki connected a variety of the topics to some of MLK's deepest messages of finding compassion and love for everyone, including self and others when we act in ways which are not in line with our deepest values, even for when we lose our own compassion.
  • January 24th, 2005
    • 8 people called. Host Miki Kashtan addressed diverse issues and challenges. One theme was the importance of maintaining human connection when interacting with institutions. One caller was asking for support in addressing painful political differences in her family, and was supported by noticing the distinction between understanding someone and agreeing with them, noting that she can promote more understanding by listening to the basic human feelings and needs underneath any message or action. One caller wanted to reach more understanding with his ex-wife to be able to maintain connection with his children, and another wanted to resolve a painful conflict with his 19-yr old son. In both cases reaching for understanding and connecting with everyone's needs can support a resolution that works for everyone.
  • missing - Feb 14 and Feb 21
    • excerpts from Marshall Rosenberg's CDs. Only two calls were taken each week, and some time was left for raising funds for KPFA.
Living Room

Peace Talks Radio

Radical compassion




You can't download this just hear it using flash.

Nonviolent Communications Call hosted by The Peace Alliance 3 calls

Certification Support Program call


2of6Solutions's videos on youtube

Bay Area Nonviolent Communication Speaking Peace video 2006

Marshall Rosenberg on bigpicture.tv 3 videos.

youtube NVC videos