SBRNVC Meeting Minutes & Agendas
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4/1/2007 Draft Agenda
- Financial report.
- Scholarship requests.
- Support bookstore at the MBR event at Wake center.
- Proposal: Proposals for the SBRNVC agenda will be posted to the SBRNVC wiki at least 3 days before the meeting, to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to read and comment. A list of Proposals will be included in the meeting reminder sent out by the Chair. Guidelines for forming Proposals will be on the wiki, this strategy will be evaluated within one year.
- Proposal: Team Training (John). Discussion of investing some Team time and/or funds focused on supporting Team functioning. For example, bringing in outside trainers like Jori & Jim or John Kinyon.
- Proposal: The group's meetings begin earlier in the day which will facilitate there being more time to address the numerous agenda items we have at this time.
- Proposal: We use Sociocracy to "Select" a Meeting Chair. The term to be 6 months.
- Demonstration and instructions for posting to the SBRNVC wiki (John).
3/11/2007 Agenda & Minutes
Present: Danielle (chair), Anne, Rodger, William, Kathi, John (minutes), Nancy.
Next Meeting:
- Sunday, April 1, 6pm at John & Anne's; chair: minutes: John.
NOTE: SBRNVC is now on the NVCwiki at this address:
Minutes may be found there on this page:
Agenda & Minutes
- Financial report.
- Scholarship requests - two awarded.
- Support bookstore at the MBR event at Wake center.
- TABLED - Proposal: Proposals for the SBRNVC agenda will be posted to the SBRNVC wiki at least 3 days before the meeting, to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to read and comment. A list of Proposals will be included in the meeting reminder sent out by the Chair. Guidelines for forming Proposals will be on the wiki, this strategy will be evaluated within one year.
- NOTE: If we're going to request that Proposals be sent to the group in advance of meetings, that would need to be added to the meeting reminder sent out by the Chair.
- TABLED - Proposal: Team Training (John). Discussion of investing some Team time and/or funds focused on supporting Team functioning. For example, bringing in outside trainers like Jori & Jim or John Kinyon.
- TABLED - Proposal: The group's meetings begin earlier in the day which will facilitate there being more time to address the numerous agenda items we have at this time.
- TABLED - Proposal: We use Sociocracy to "Select" a Meeting Chair. The term to be 6 months.
- TABLED - Proposal: We ask John Wiley to give us written instructions for posting to the wiki (the page where the Santa Barbara Team's Mission, Vision, and Aim are posted.
Checkout (feedback on process)
- John: Frustrated at how long some decisions took, hopeful about our getting better at our process.
- Rodger: Enjoyed Danielle's facilitation, enjoyed getting Scholarships done (relief), sadness with process not paying attention to what's most alive in the room (empathy for a participant). Agenda: would like rename SBRNVC Circle.
- Anne: Disappointed we didn't have a CNVC Conference report on the agenda. Appreciated Danielle's facilitation. Some frustration with process.
- Nancy: Glad we did Scholarships.
- Kathi: Sadness about Danielle & William's possible move to Albuquerque. Loved the facilitation, learned from it. Pleased with results & conclusions.
- Danielle: Happy, grateful that everyone was willing to go with flow and pace I set. Happy with what we got done.
- William: A lot of my needs were met - fun, play, freedom, acceptance. Enjoyed facilitation, efficiency of group, hopeful about group growth. Really happy.
02/11/2007 Agenda & Minutes
Where: John & Anne's house
When: Sunday, February 11, 2007 7:00pm
Chair: William Poehner
Minutes: John Wiley
Agenda Items:
- Formation of a SBRNVC Sociocratic Circle (added by Rodger) Carried over from last meeting
- Team Training - John. Discussion of investing some Team time and/or funds focused on supporting Team functioning. For example, bringing in outside trainers like Jori & Jim or John Kinyon.