S&EA/O Sociocratic Circle

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The South & East Asia/Oceania Sociocratic Circle

Visitors to these pages are invited to contribute questions/opinions to our discussions. If you are living and working with NVC in our region, do please check back regularly with us in order to notice our endeavours to expand our discussions.

Purpose of the Circle

To coordinate publicity, fund-raising and training activities in South and East Asia and Oceania, supporting NVC teachers and trainers in reaching those living in under-resourced areas, particularly those at war and/or living in poverty.


A group of 5 CNVC trainers who are also friends began teleconferencing together in 2005, formulating strategies for collaboration across international boarders. In March 2006, these individuals extended an invitation to NVC leaders living in other countries to contribute an elected representative to CNVC’s Global Coordinating Circle. As of May 2006, the South & East Asia/Oceania Sociocratic Circle draws delegates from 6 countries (Australia, India, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Sri Lanka) who participate in monthly teleconference sessions.

Current Status of the Circle

Teleconference ‘meetings’ are facilitated using Sociocratic principles and provide an open forum for discussion, allowing members to share what is important to them and request support from others towards collaborative projects.

Members in the South & East Asia/Oceania Circle also intend to facilitate a face-to-face meeting of NVC leaders working in our geographical area on an annual basis. The first of these took place in Queensland, Australia during September 2006 and attracted 36 'NVC leaders' from 4 countries. Please visit www.nvcinbusiness.com/Regional.htm if you would like to know more about this.

Breakthroughs during 2006 include:

  • March 2006: Representatives from India, South Korea and Sri Lanka join our Circle meetings. The election of the first Regional Representative to join CNVC’s Global Coordinating Committee.
  • April 2006: Applications from advocates in India, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and Uganda to join a gathering of NVC leaders scheduled to take place in Queensland, Australia.
  • May 2006: First representative from New Zealand joins our Circle
  • July 2006: Agreement with CNVC that it will act as a ‘funding agent’, allowing S&EA/O to collect and manage financial contributions offered to it.
  • August 2006: CNVC agrees to cover S&EA/O’s cost of participation at a face-to-face meeting of GCC members to held in Atlanta, USA during October 2006.
  • September 2006: S&EA/O’s second ‘Leader-Full Gathering’ attracts 36 NVC leaders from 4 different countries. ‘Profit’ from the gathering is contributed towards supporting S&EA/O’s on-going development costs.

Future Plans

  • To contribute a representative voice to a face-to-face meeting of GCC members in Atlanta, US, which will take place in October 2006
  • To establish a regional identity at the CNVC website
  • To create a fund raising strategy that can support NVC-related projects
  • To obtain training in Sociocracy and to share this with others
  • To expand our capacity to deliver training across our region
  • Intensive training for future trainers to take place in India during 2006
  • To maximise the impact of the IIT in Pune, India 2006
  • To host one or more gatherings of NVC Leaders in future years
  • Intensive training for future trainers to take place in Sri Lanka during 2007
  • To host ‘the best ever’ IIT in Bali, Indonesia in October 2007
  • To create connections with other organisations whose work supports ours and whose work we can support

Teleconference Minutes

To understand our process around recording our history and sharing any collaborative strategies we might settle upon, please download our document, CREATING AN HISTORICAL RECORD.

Out of valuing the integrity of our records, minutes from our teleconferences will be posted to this site in .pdf format after voting members have approved them. The following documents have been accepted by members prior to their appearance here.

Face-to-Face Gatherings in S&E Asia/Oceania

Web Presence/Financial Contributions