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* The type of mentoring/coaching I am most interested in doing is: I enjoy all kinds of coaching, especially concerning relationships, mediation, and facilitation issues; teambuilding; I enjoy mentoring people through the Assessment and Certification process.
* The type of mentoring/coaching I am most interested in doing is: I enjoy all kinds of coaching, especially concerning relationships, mediation, and facilitation issues; teambuilding; I enjoy mentoring people through the Assessment and Certification process.
* More about me: You can read a brief bio @ http://radicalcompassion.squarespace.com/about-jim-and-jori/
* More about me: You can read a brief bio @ http://radicalcompassion.squarespace.com/about-jim-and-jori/
* How to contact me: nvctrainer@gmail.com; radicalcompassion.squarespace.com; +1.505.344-1305; skypename = jimjori
* How to contact me: nvctrainer@gmail.com; +1.505.344-1305; skypename = jimjori
* Date when I last updated this information: June 13, 2007
* Date when I last updated this information: June 13, 2007

Revision as of 16:58, 13 June 2007

This is a directory of mentors and coaches with NVC experience, who can work with you one-on-one by phone or face-to-face. (Important note: Presence on this list does not imply endorsement by CNVC, by NVC Wiki, or by any other individual or organization. Please use your judgment in selecting a mentor/coach, and carefully consider their experience and qualifications.)

If you are looking for a mentor or coach, look in the section below that most closely describes the type of mentorship/coaching you are seeking.

Mentorship/Coaching in General Life Issues

Mentorship/Coaching in Learning/Practicing NVC

Mentorship/Coaching in Sharing/Teaching NVC

If you are a mentor or coach and you want to add your information to this directory or edit it, read this first.

If you want to improve or change the structure of this directory, read this first.

To provide feedback about this directory, send the directory administrator an email by clicking here.

Mentorship/Coaching in General Life Issues

Jacob Gotwals

  • My languages: English
  • My location(s): United States (New Mexico)
  • I do mentoring/coaching by phone (yes/no): yes
  • I do mentoring/coaching face-to-face (yes/no): yes
  • My fees for mentoring/coaching: US$60 per hour. (Discount of up to 25% available for people teaching/sharing NVC.)
  • My level of NVC experience: I am certified by CNVC as a NVC Trainer. I have been practicing NVC since 2000, and I have been teaching small classes and practice groups for the last few years, as well as helping create a stronger local NVC community in New Mexico. I am the leader of the New Mexico Coordinating Circle http://groups.google.com/group/nmcc-discussion?hl=en and I am on the board of directors of the New Mexico Network for Nonviolent Communication http://nvc-nm.org/welcome.html
  • The type of mentoring/coaching I am most interested in doing is: I especially enjoy working with people who have an intermediate to advanced level of experience practicing NVC, people who are beginning to learn to share/teach NVC, and people who are working to create stronger local NVC communities.
  • More about me: I am credentialed by the International Coach Federation (Associate Certified Coach - ACC), and I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science. For more information, see my web site: http://humanpotentialarts.com/about.htm
  • How to contact me: See my web site for contact information: http://humanpotentialarts.com/connection.html
  • Date when I last updated this information: June 12, 2007


Jim Manske

  • My languages: English:
  • My location(s): Albuquerque, NM~and we do a lot of travelling
  • I do mentoring/coaching by phone (yes/no): Yes
  • I do mentoring/coaching face-to-face (yes/no): Yes
  • My request for mentoring/coaching: Sliding Scale based on .2%/hr of yearly income (e.g. $20K/year = $40/hr)
  • My level of NVC experience: Practicing since 2000; Certified Trainer since 2004; leader of Global Coordinating Council and CNVC Leadership Team; Co-founder, NM Network for NVC; supporter of Peace Army of Costa Rica, Hawaii NVC, Oklahoma NVC, GA NVC; Assessor for CNVC Trainer Certification; Organizer for Albuquerque IITs and Special Sessions.
  • The type of mentoring/coaching I am most interested in doing is: I enjoy all kinds of coaching, especially concerning relationships, mediation, and facilitation issues; teambuilding; I enjoy mentoring people through the Assessment and Certification process.
  • More about me: You can read a brief bio @ http://radicalcompassion.squarespace.com/about-jim-and-jori/
  • How to contact me: nvctrainer@gmail.com; +1.505.344-1305; skypename = jimjori
  • Date when I last updated this information: June 13, 2007


Linda Rysenbry

  • My languages: English
  • My location(s): Australia (Sydney)
  • I offer mentoring/coaching by phone (yes/no): yes
  • I offer mentoring/coaching face-to-face (yes/no): yes
  • My fees for mentoring/coaching: AUD$100 per hour. (Discount of up to 25% available for people teaching/sharing NVC.)
  • My level of NVC experience: I am certified by CNVC as a NVC Trainer. I've been practicing NVC since 2002. For three years I have been focussing on bringing NVC to people in private sessions ranging from coaching to therapy, mediation to facilitated dialogues. I value creating a safe space for what is alive in relationships to unfold and heal. I appreciate the priviledge of supporting people to find love and honesty in times of challenge. I initiated and currently coordinate the Australian NVC Circle which is strengthening local NVC community and activites and I participate in the Regional NVC Circle for South East Asia and Oceania. I have led groups in NVC trainings, given presentations and group coaching sessions.
  • The type of mentoring/coaching I offer is: offered over a series of sessions and is suited to those wishing to strengthen their self connection, intimate relationships or family connection. I especially enjoy working with people who have knowledge and experience with NVC, although that is not essential. I find that most everyone learns (or deepens) NVC as we work together with whatever it is that you are facing in life at present.
  • More about me: I am also accredited as a Journey Therapist and have a lengthy background including leadership in business and corporate management along with mothering 3 teenagers. For more information, visit my website: www.nowrelate.com (I offer a series of inspirational notes via email) also visit www.nvcaustralia.com
  • How to contact me: See either of the above web sites for contact information:
  • Date when I last updated this information: June 13, 2007


Mentorship/Coaching in Learning/Practicing NVC

Jacob Gotwals

  • My languages: English
  • My location(s): United States (New Mexico)
  • I do mentoring/coaching by phone (yes/no): yes
  • I do mentoring/coaching face-to-face (yes/no): yes
  • My fees for mentoring/coaching: US$60 per hour. (Discount of up to 25% available for people teaching/sharing NVC.)
  • My level of NVC experience: I am certified by CNVC as a NVC Trainer. I have been practicing NVC since 2000, and I have been teaching small classes and practice groups for the last few years, as well as helping create a stronger local NVC community in New Mexico. I am the leader of the New Mexico Coordinating Circle http://groups.google.com/group/nmcc-discussion?hl=en and I am on the board of directors of the New Mexico Network for Nonviolent Communication http://nvc-nm.org/welcome.html
  • The type of mentoring/coaching I am most interested in doing is: I especially enjoy working with people who have an intermediate to advanced level of experience practicing NVC, people who are beginning to learn to share/teach NVC, and people who are working to create stronger local NVC communities.
  • More about me: I am credentialed by the International Coach Federation (Associate Certified Coach - ACC), and I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science. For more information, see my web site: http://humanpotentialarts.com/about.htm
  • How to contact me: See my web site for contact information: http://humanpotentialarts.com/connection.html
  • Date when I last updated this information: June 12, 2007


Jim Manske

  • My languages: English:
  • My location(s): Albuquerque, NM~and we do a lot of travelling
  • I do mentoring/coaching by phone (yes/no): Yes
  • I do mentoring/coaching face-to-face (yes/no): Yes
  • My request for mentoring/coaching: Sliding Scale based on .2%/hr of yearly income (e.g. $20K/year = $40/hr)
  • My level of NVC experience: Practicing since 2000; Certified Trainer since 2004; leader of Global Coordinating Council and CNVC Leadership Team; Co-founder, NM Network for NVC; supporter of Peace Army of Costa Rica, Hawaii NVC, Oklahoma NVC, GA NVC; Assessor for CNVC Trainer Certification; Organizer for Albuquerque IITs and Special Sessions.
  • The type of mentoring/coaching I am most interested in doing is: I enjoy all kinds of coaching, especially concerning relationships, mediation, and facilitation issues; teambuilding; I enjoy mentoring people through the Assessment and Certification process.
  • More about me: You can read a brief bio @ http://radicalcompassion.squarespace.com/about-jim-and-jori/
  • How to contact me: nvctrainer@gmail.com; radicalcompassion.squarespace.com; +1.505.344-1305; skypename = jimjori
  • Date when I last updated this information: June 12, 2007

Mentorship/Coaching in Sharing/Teaching NVC

Jacob Gotwals

  • My languages: English
  • My location(s): United States (New Mexico)
  • I do mentoring/coaching by phone (yes/no): yes
  • I do mentoring/coaching face-to-face (yes/no): yes
  • My fees for mentoring/coaching: US$60 per hour. (Discount of up to 25% available for people teaching/sharing NVC.)
  • My level of NVC experience: I am certified by CNVC as a NVC Trainer. I have been practicing NVC since 2000, and I have been teaching small classes and practice groups for the last few years, as well as helping create a stronger local NVC community in New Mexico. I am the leader of the New Mexico Coordinating Circle http://groups.google.com/group/nmcc-discussion?hl=en and I am on the board of directors of the New Mexico Network for Nonviolent Communication http://nvc-nm.org/welcome.html
  • The type of mentoring/coaching I am most interested in doing is: I especially enjoy working with people who have an intermediate to advanced level of experience practicing NVC, people who are beginning to learn to share/teach NVC, and people who are working to create stronger local NVC communities.
  • More about me: I am credentialed by the International Coach Federation (Associate Certified Coach - ACC), and I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science. For more information, see my web site: http://humanpotentialarts.com/about.htm
  • How to contact me: See my web site for contact information: http://humanpotentialarts.com/connection.html
  • Date when I last updated this information: June 12, 2007

Jim Manske

  • My languages: English:
  • My location(s): Albuquerque, NM~and we do a lot of travelling
  • I do mentoring/coaching by phone (yes/no): Yes
  • I do mentoring/coaching face-to-face (yes/no): Yes
  • My request for mentoring/coaching: Sliding Scale based on .2%/hr of yearly income (e.g. $20K/year = $40/hr)
  • My level of NVC experience: Practicing since 2000; Certified Trainer since 2004; leader of Global Coordinating Council and CNVC Leadership Team; Co-founder, NM Network for NVC; supporter of Peace Army of Costa Rica, Hawaii NVC, Oklahoma NVC, GA NVC; Assessor for CNVC Trainer Certification; Organizer for Albuquerque IITs and Special Sessions.
  • The type of mentoring/coaching I am most interested in doing is: I enjoy all kinds of coaching, especially concerning relationships, mediation, and facilitation issues; teambuilding; I enjoy mentoring people through the Assessment and Certification process.
  • More about me: You can read a brief bio @ http://radicalcompassion.squarespace.com/about-jim-and-jori/
  • How to contact me: nvctrainer@gmail.com; radicalcompassion.squarespace.com; +1.505.344-1305; skypename = jimjori
  • Date when I last updated this information: June 12, 2007