GCC Agenda - August 2006 Meeting

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GCC Agenda - August 2006 Meeting

8am PDT / 5pm CET / 1500 Universal Time or GMT


1500 Check-in: Celebrating our organization. What is working? (15 min) For sense of meaning, connection, and inspiration.

New Member Proposal

  • 1515 Welcome of Jeff Brown, nominee from English-speaking North America Coordinating Council (ENACC), to the GCC (and Board), through March 2007. Liz Gay has agreed to be Jeff's buddy for purposes of orienting him to the GCC. (10 min)
Note: Update on GCC status and recruitment posted at: Sociocracy in NVC by John Buck with additions from Jori.

Consent agenda

1525 (5 minutes) (i.e., propose to consent to these items with no dialogue)

  • As detailed in the May 2006 Minutes and GCC Propoosal approved by the CNVC Board and posted at cnvc.org, Liz Gay, as a GCC member, at that time became a member of the CNVC Board which was then renamed the Global Coordinating Circle (GCC).
  • We will designate key agenda items for attendance at the face-to-face meeting in Atlanta by speaker phone so that nominated and consented GCC members who cannot attend in person can participate in key decisions by phone. (John Buck)
(Rationale: some persons may be nominated and selected to the GCC too late to make reasonably priced flight arrangements to attend the Atlanta meeting. Opening key agenda items to teleconference attendance would enable their voices to be heard where it most counts - without creating undue intrusion into the flow of the face-to-face meeting.)
  • To be posted on the CNVC.org website (Jori):
Open source / copyrights
Your contribution of making people aware of the work of Nonviolent Communicaiton is appreciated and can be a gift. All of the material on our website is available for public use. It can be downloaded reprinted and distributed freely. We request that you include "©The Center for Nonviolent Communication™ www.cnvc.org" on any material copied, and give CNVC credit when using any quotes and ideas. We also request that on any printout you include our website address and our request for contributions that follows:
"We share our material freely and we appreciate donations. A
contribution that reflects your appreciation of what we offer and
the value you receive will be used to further the development and
distribution of Nonviolent Communication. We hope that you will find
enough value to want to support the work we are doing and those of
us doing it. There is however no obligation regardless of how many
copies you print or distribute unless you are using the information
for profit. If you would like to use this information for profit,
please contact us regarding licensing the material."
Note: The CopyLeft proposal by Dieudonné Dard and John Abbe might be considered at a later meeting if the above proposal does not fully address this issue. (John Wiley)
  • To be added, for clarity and support, to requests under #6 of the GCC proposal: What fundraising efforts will your group undertake to fund the person you are nominating to attend GCC meetings?
  • John Wiley will prepare a contract extension with Jori beyond October to be ratified at September GCC call

Regular Agenda Items

  • 1530 Report by Stefan Wisbauer on his progress in forming a committee and establishing a process to establish leadership beyond the interim Executive Director. (10 min)
  • 1540 Proposals re leadership process: proposal to discuss critical choices and process options during 'special GCC call' (e.g. August 28th). Other meeting changes: from 13 September to 6 September and include meeting on 11 October (5mins)
  • 1545 Proposal for the face-to-face meeting in Atlanta: The GCC agrees to cover the cost of participation in Atlanta by the representative from South & East Asia/Oceania. (Rationale: Collective costs will be reduced if flights can be booked ahead of time.)(Most recent cost estimate: S$2991 or US$1900 + accommodation) (Note: in acknowledgement of self-interest, the representative from S&EA/O will answer questions put to her regarding the financial situation in S&EA/O during the discussion of this item, and will refrain from participating in any vote around this proposal.)(Liz Gay) (15 min)
  • 1600 Clarification of GCC proposal: Currently there are 2 versions of the GCC proposal passed in May.
http://en.nvcwiki.com/index.php/GCC_Draft_Proposal, and
To bring unity, shared responsibility, and empowerment with all who choose to join the governing body of CNVC and clarity in the network about inclusion, we change the original introductory paragraph of the GCC proposal on NVCWiki as stated on the CNVC website:
"The Board is establishing procedures to ensure representation by inviting present large geographic groups of one or more countries involved in NVC to nominate representatives by consent of their group to a newly constituted Global Coordinating Circle (GCC), which will serve as the guiding body for the international NVC community including CNVC. At the point where the Board accepts the first person nominated by an NVC region to the Board, the Board will rename itself the GCC." (Jori) (10 minutes.)
  • 1610 Proposal: Circle renamed to Council. The GCC of CNVC is now called the Global Coordinating Council of CNVC (GCC). (Rationale: Conveys a clear message to the network that its members are welcome in a central governing body that functions as a group of collaborative equals. (Liz and Jori with input from John W.) (5 minutes)
  • 1615 Proposal about acknowledgement of CNVC Projects. (Jiva or Dominic Barter) (10 minutes).
  • 1625 The Costa Rican Peace Army is requesting to be a CNVC project. Descriptive file sent to GCC members. (Jori) (5 min)
  • 1630 Endorsement: End War: Response to request for endorsement of 'End War in Iraq' campaign http://declarationofpeace.org (5 mins) (Marshall or Valentina)
  • 1635 Endorsement: Serious Peace: Request for endorsement of 'Serious Peace Alliance' (Integral Large Scale Conflict Transformation) (as time permits) (Stefan) (5 min)
  • 1640 Observer comments and check out (15 min)

(which could include:)

What did you like?
How would you have liked it to be different?
Anything else?
  • 1655 GCC member check out

Tabled for Possible Future Meeting


We ask non-Board members to reserve any comments until the time we have set aside for Observer feedback (up to 15 minutes toward the end of the meeting) when we will have direct discussion with observers and others in attendance who have honored us with their presence. We may also include other times for feedback, as our need for that arises and when there is sufficient time to listen to and address those comments.